Changing c drive /operating boot drive

10 Dec 2010
Hi what is the best way to transfer from my existing samsung 840 pro /c drive to a newer 860 pro 512gb drive the last time i did this i used samsung magaician and just cloned the drive but this feature does not seem available now in magaician
Thanks that is how i must have transfered before ,another point does the ssd 860 pro come with sata leads? probably not im guessing and it sata 3 i need i think .So ssd drives have nearly 1/2 the cost of buying since i purchased the 840 pro 256gb now 860 pro 512gb similar pricing if my memory is correct but with twice the capacity ,although not the 10 year gaurantee of previous drives .
Ok i now have a issue i can boot from both drives but i want to formatt the old drive which if plugged in becomes my boot drive again and windows will not allow me to formatt this drive.
If Disk Management won't let you do it DiskPart at the command line should. Delete the old partitions and then create new ones and format them.

Make sure it'll boot with only the new drive installed before you do anything.

Double check you're addressing the correct drive and preferably have backups available before removing/formatting any partitions.
How is what done?

Disk Management is pretty obvious. Highlight the old partitions and delete them one by one. Once all the partitions have gone repartition and format to suit your requirements.

If Disk Management doesn't allow you to delete them use DiskPart instead which is basically the command line version of Disk Management. There are loads of guides out there if you Google 'DiskPart'.
ok been trying disk managment delete not working Disk part seems to be a option also ill follow internet guides for this ta althought i went to reboot from cloned disk and it didnt reboot so going through the process again ill probaly end up with buying windows 10 on a clean install .
Capture 1 by Paul Stuart, on Flickr Tried both samsung magician seemed the better of the 2 Macrium Reflect seemed to divide my hard drive in 3 parts as opposed to 2 i now have this Disk 0 is local disc (c) Disk 1 is Local Disc f & G I want to format Disc 0 , I now have windows 10 on disc 0 and disc 1 but it prefers to boot up from disc 0 when both are plugged in together which is not the drive i want as my my boot up drive as it is now becoming filled up.
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You can’t tell much from that screen grab. Disk Management will show which partitions are a which drive.

Can you now boot from the new drive with the old one removed?

Macrium wouldn’t have been creating partitions that weren’t there to be copied.
Boot from the drive you want to keep,make sure you know how that drive looks to the OS.

Attach the 2nd drive then format it.
tried does not work will not allow format .I am going to do a clean install i have been using the cloned version and it is very flaky and does not run smooth .
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