Changing Master/Slave Settings of HDD in Removable RH-27 Caddy

29 Jun 2004
Hope someone can help with this one.

We've got a HDD based CCTV system in the family business. Navigating the CCTV footage on the actual unit can be very time consuming and its a nightmare to find the footage you want. It has an RH-27 removable HDD caddy. I have in the past brought the HDD Caddy up to the house, removed the HDD from the Caddy and connected the drive to my home PC to review footage. I was thinking about purchasing an RH-27 5.25in Bay for the home PC to save me having to remove the HDD from from the caddy and having to open up the PC everytime I want to review footage at home. ie.

The thing is that the last time I did this the other day I forgot to replace the Master/Slave jumper when putting the HDD back in the Caddy. When I slotted the caddy back into the CCTV unit the Drive was not recognised. When I realised what I had done I also realised that this might present difficulties with the RH-27 bay plan. ie Jumper on CCTV HDD has to be set to Master for the drive to be recognised in the CCTV system, and the jumper has to be set to Slave when I connect the HDD to my home PC. So does this mean I would have to remove the HDD from its caddy anyway to change jumper settings and this seeing as I have to take the HDD out to do this anyway, whats the point in getting a RH-27 Bay for the PC.
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