Charity shops getting stupid with prices

Charities is not a particularly accurate description of their function these days. Too much of money donated goes to paying huge salaries for people at the top.
Here's a link to what the CEOs get paid per year.

First and foremost, your money goes to the greedy people at the top. The remainder, a small percentage, actually goes to a good cause.

Rather a gross exaggeration is it not? Agreed those salaries are pretty large but out of that list, quite a lot are not even 0.1% of their turnover. A more meaningful metric would be the salaries to how much gets to where its supposed to go
CEO salaries appear to be tiny percentages and not high really for a CEO.

Most in the thread just talking guff. #StandardGD :cry:

£4.65 million for the CEO and 386 people with salaries greater than 60k (over £22 million) in one charity

But not high for a CEO right? :rolleyes:
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Rather a gross exaggeration is it not? Agreed those salaries are pretty large but out of that list, quite a lot are not even 0.1% of their turnover. A more meaningful metric would be the salaries to how much gets to where its supposed to go

Wasn't it reported a few years ago that less than half of donations to Cancer Research UK actually went to pay for research, with over 41% under the mysterious "admin costs" heading?
I noticed this the other, I only tend to go in when dropping stuff once in a while, but yes the days of charity are long gone it seems, Chuff me a Port Glass that should be about 75p is marked up at £3..... Get real.
£4.65 million for the CEO and 386 people with salaries greater than 60k (over £22 million) in one charity

But not high for a CEO right? :rolleyes:

You are misinformed it seems. The CEO of the Wellcome Trust earns £515k, the people that earned the big money which is why in that chart say "highest earners" are the people that manage their investment portfolio Farrar, director of Wellcome,483,788 in the previous year.

That is not to say the CEO and staff dont get highly paid, just that the CEO doesnt get paid £4.65m
Wasn't it reported a few years ago that less than half of donations to Cancer Research UK actually went to pay for research, with over 41% under the mysterious "admin costs" heading?

No idea, did a quick Google and came across this to the story, for,57p' goes towards beating cancer. I guess you got to bear in mind this is coming from them so might have some bias, but I guess their yearly accounts should be readily available.

Edit: Theres a link to their yearly accounts in that link
My mate recently picked up a fender guitar for a few quid, was totally trashed but did over £500 on eBay :eek:

still some bargains out there but tend to agree a lot of them are asking eBay prices these days.
CEO salaries appear to be tiny percentages and not high really for a CEO.

Most in the thread just talking guff. #StandardGD :cry:

What exactly is "high" for a CEO. They're never going to be on what a CEO of a tech company earns for example. They're still well into the 6 figures though.

I know all the charities verbiage around justification for the CEO's salary is around having the right person for the job, but it's definitely questionable about whether someone could do just as good of a job for lesser pay.
What exactly is "high" for a CEO. They're never going to be on what a CEO of a tech company earns for example. They're still well into the 6 figures though.

I know all the charities verbiage around justification for the CEO's salary is around having the right person for the job, but it's definitely questionable about whether someone could do just as good of a job for lesser pay.

I don't know really but imo 100k-200k isn't a huge salary.
If ebay scalpers are coming in and buying up a load of stuff simply to flip on ebay, of course they will increase thier prices.
It's not rocket surgery to comprehend that.
I bet a lot of them check ebay prices and the like to decide what prices to put on items.
Why wouldn't they? Sign of the times I'm afraid.
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I noticed this the other, I only tend to go in when dropping stuff once in a while, but yes the days of charity are long gone it seems, Chuff me a Port Glass that should be about 75p is marked up at £3..... Get real.

Maybe it was lead crystal rather than an IKEA special?
If ebay scalpers are coming in and buying up a load of stuff simply to flip on ebay, of course they will increase thier prices.
It's not rocket surgery to comprehend that.
I bet a lot of them check ebay prices and the like to decide what prices to put on items.
Why wouldn't they? Sign of the times I'm afraid.
Exactly, they are not in business to provide an untaxed income for the feckless in our society but to support their charities income.

I willingly pay multiples of the new price for old vinyl records, once only 50p in charity shops.
One thing I note however is how cheap DVD are now they can't give them away.. one near me is doing 3 for a quid or 50p can't remember but it's ridiculous lol, I'm tempted to sack off the stupidly expensive Netflix and just buy a handful of DVD from there a month..
Charities is not a particularly accurate description of their function these days. Too much of money donated goes to paying huge salaries for people at the top.
Here's a link to what the CEOs get paid per year.

First and foremost, your money goes to the greedy people at the top. The remainder, a small percentage, actually goes to a good cause.
I tend to give stuff to the local salvation army shop now as I don't believe they have people profiting massively from others misery.
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Was freinds with a woman who managed a local chariy shop chain.

She was basically the only one young enough there to comprehend eBay and making some money, everyone else used it as a coffee meeting club . Voulnteers eh? Bloody slackers :p.
She was bloody hot too.

Oh god stalked her on Facebook. Was.. emphasis on was...
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A lot of the time when stuff comes in, if the person donating is a 'gift aider', they can add 20% to the price and if the item looks valuable, they'll always check eBay for what items have sold for, that are the same.

A lot of the time they're open to haggling, especially if the item has been on the shop floor for a few days as they need to constantly make room for more stuff.
If ebay scalpers are coming in and buying up a load of stuff simply to flip on ebay, of course they will increase thier prices.
It's not rocket surgery to comprehend that.
I bet a lot of them check ebay prices and the like to decide what prices to put on items.
Why wouldn't they? Sign of the times I'm afraid.

I really wanna see rocket surgery now.
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