Chavez: US Weapon Test Caused Haiti Earthquake

30 Dec 2003
Russia Today: Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has once again accused the United States of playing God. But this time it's Haiti's disastrous earthquake that he thinks the U.S. was behind. Spanish newspaper ABC quotes Chavez as saying that the U.S. navy launched a weapon capable of inducing a powerful earthquake off the shore of Haiti. He adds that this time it was only a drill and the final target is ... destroying and taking over Iran.


I've never heard of Real Clear Politics nor Russia Today so I'm not sure by how much they are sensationalising it. There is a video in the link but it doesn't really give many more details than the article.
That guy is closeted so deep in his a-hole of 3rd world country he probably thinks batman series they pick up from tv feeds is a documentary... What a sad, sad man.
When Chavez came to power he seemed ok, the man of the people and all that. Now hes just decending deeper into madness.

The guy has lost the plot and is now just as bad as the useless leaders he replaced back when he got into power... he's also prepared to do just about anything to stay in power.
And God caused the flood in New Orleans to wipe out the fags and fag enablers...

Some people just have no sense of rationality about natural disasters, preferring instead to use it to push their own views and hatred...
Well on the hush hush. I heard that America is developing a secret device. *Looks over shoulders* I heard that they're developing a device that can boil water and then and this is where it gets complicated! Then you can pour into a cup with something called... a tea bag..... and then now this is where everything goes crazy! Then...... you can drink it!
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