Chavez: US Weapon Test Caused Haiti Earthquake

I can imagine there is some super high tech thingies that do amazing things we dont know about,

however to cause an earthquake you are dealing with moving such vast quantities of rock its jsut not possible, the energy release must have been vast... (can anyone guess a figure?)
Chavez is incredibly inept. Venezuela is one of the most oil-rich nations in the world, yet it is subject to rolling blackouts (only recently stopped in Caracas) because they don't have the infrastructure to keep power going. How stupid does that sound?
Didnt in James Bond a bad guy cause an earthquake by the blowing the bottom of a lake to peices -- which made all the water leak out down into the 'fault line' -- which 'lubricated' the whole thing so it started moving?

Or did I just dream up that whole lot?? :)
I can imagine there is some super high tech thingies that do amazing things we dont know about,

however to cause an earthquake you are dealing with moving such vast quantities of rock its jsut not possible, the energy release must have been vast... (can anyone guess a figure?)

It was these guys...


(funny as I was watching this last night :D)
How can anyone live with that level of paranoia? Seriously, if I was that paranoid I would have blown my own head off years ago!
Didnt in James Bond a bad guy cause an earthquake by the blowing the bottom of a lake to peices -- which made all the water leak out down into the 'fault line' -- which 'lubricated' the whole thing so it started moving?

Or did I just dream up that whole lot?? :)

Certainly did try and it failed - the film was A View To A Kill.
Had Christopher Walken as Max Zorin - a wonderful over the top performance.

He was foiled by that errr... woman? Grace Jones.
Whilst I have doubts that anyone caused this earthquake, especially the US, considering the ammount of resources they are plugging into Haiti, we do posess the technology to cause this kind of occurence.

Nicola Tesla did this in Tunguska in the early 1900's by sending high frequency electrical charge directly into the earth.

Its also the same principle as Sonar and ground penetrating Radar.

(I realise by posting this that I'm about to get spammed with ridicule and propostery but hey, what are forums for...)
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