Cheap 4K video camera

31 Jul 2019
Having kids, I'm thinking about getting a video camera to record some memories (I have a terrible memory myself in any case). I was looking at 4K video cameras which seem to start at £500 or so and then noticed that there are a load of unbranded, cheap versions that Jeff Bezos is peddaling and wondered if anyone had any experience of these. And preferably was able to compare to the more expensive branded versions.

Or without the leading question, I'm after decent video and sound quality, small size and reasonable battery performance.

Left-field thinking, I have a Canon DSLR with a load of good lenses but my camera only records for 10 mins at a time which is annoying.
Which Canon DSLR do you have and lenses? You could potentially upgrade your camera body to a newer unit and gain 4K as well as a better camera. Though it would be tough in that price range.

Camera is a 6D and I wouldn't like to lose the full frame sensor. Lenses are a mix: 50mm 1.4, 28-70mm f2.8L, 100mm f2.8L, 70-300mm cheaper thing

I did briefly consider one of the mirrorless bodies and a lens adapter but that didn't seem like the most sensible option. Plus battery life looked awful.
I had a brainwave this morning.

I think the answer to the question is Magic Lantern. The record limit can be removed, it opens up different recording resolutions etc. and best of all it's a free solution. I can then spend a bit of money getting a decent external microphone.
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