Cheap flights to Australia?

3 Apr 2003
Uni - UCL | Home - Woking
Hey, I'm having problems trying to find cheap tickets to Australia at the end of November. I was hoping it would be cheaper as the period I'm going over isn't a holiday period and I'll be back before the ashes starts.

I'm looking to fly out on 19th-22nd November inclusive and return around 3 weeks later. The cheapest I've managed to find so far is £700 including taxes, but was hoping to get a bit cheaper than that really.

I'm flying out with my mum for a wedding. Anyone know anyone doing a decent deal aorund that time or where I could book cheaper? My mum doesn't really want to go Emirates as she wants to be able to drink on the plane :p
I remember reading soemwhere that emerates were looking at doing a easyjet type of thing with the A-380's. They will strip them out and fit all economy on both decks and they estimated the cost of a return flight to oz would be sub 300 and due to be launched october time. This was in the daily mail a few months back i think. Mind you Ive heard nothing since then.....
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