How come tbh, mine's fine for browsing with xp and 192 mb of ram, and a p3 600 mhz cpu, I watch anime in bed all the time with it and by using low res apps ( IE6, miranda IM, VLC, Foobar2000, office 97/2000, etc...) it's perfectly usable.
Mums got a pentium M 1.5 mhz ( equiv to a 3 ghz p4/ 3200+ barton) 512 mb, rad 9000 and it's smooth as silk with normall apps atm as it's not filled with rubbish.
1GB is nice offcourse, but not essential at all, learn to use ram a bit more sparengly and shut down stuff you don't need and it's smooth as silk. But 512 for general use is same as 1gb for gaming, it can be annoying, but it's perfectly managble if you know how, hell I've played bf2 for a year on 1gb ram, all I did was drop texture details from high to medium, and it made it playable.