Cheap VPS

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15 Feb 2008

I've never used a VPS or similar before and this is only thing I can think of setting up.

I share my emby server with family (only 5 users) along with sabnzbd, they basically watch/download what they want whenever and stream from my home. (Larger files are streamed from gdrive which I upload manually via browser)

Problem is I need my upload connection at home more now so was thinking of setting up a VPS and installing sab on it and upload from the VPS to gdrive so they can stream from gdrive rather than me directly.

Are there any VPS which a quite straight forward to setup and also have access to a web browser? (I prefer to manually upload to gdrive so I can sort files myself before uploading)
Only needs 80-100GB storage as files will not be stored on there
I have very limited Linux knowledge but looking about Windows OS are quite expensive.

I tried Digital Ocen and seems a 2 Vcpu is not quite powerful enough to run Sabnzbd? ... CPU seemed to be at 100% usage constant.


I also tried to sign up at Hetzner, provided my photo id as requested but was rejected? and now seems my ip address is blacklisted.

Not sure why as I used my home details and a full scan of my driving licence.

Any others which are capable of running Sabnzbd?
Did you use a VPN? If you have GSuite and haven't used the free credit, then i'd start with that, you can fill up gdrive very, very quickly like that.

Not 100% on the VPN, I usually disable it when using bank card but may of forgot.

I'll see if I get a reply from the customer service email

Will go and check out GCE now.
Ignoring my opinion of emby for a moment, Hetzner is from €3/m for an NVMe based VPS with shared 10Gb uplink, but if you have GSuite, then use the $300 free credit with GCE. As for ‘manually’ doing anything, that’s a lot of work, seriously consider automation and watch rather than doing manual imports etc.

thanks, have GCE setup with 4Vcpu & 4GB RAM and is running perfect.

I prefer to check everything that is downloaded for picture quality or if there are any Repacks/Propers than I will replace the originals with these, yes I know Sonarr ect can do this .. my family have only just got the hang of nzb360 :rolleyes:

On my homeserver everything runs automatically which is what I'll continue to use at home.
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