Cheapest place to get BF3

4 Nov 2009
Port Glasgow
Sorry for the repost =P Tried to post on the BF3 thread but just got swamped because its so busy.

Wheres the cheapes place to buy the game digitally ? I preorded from game station in store with the £5 deposit by trading in a game worth that =P But I phoned up and they are saying its going to be £38.99 for the PC which is a total rip off so wheres the cheapest and safest place I can get it from?
Was gonna go to Game to pick one up in person but it's miserable outside and that price looks very tempting.

Can anyone else recommend them? I've not heard of em before.
just replied in main thread, i stopped by game on the way home, they scanned a copy and it came up as 35 quid, but she said it might change in the morning.
just replied in main thread, i stopped by game on the way home, they scanned a copy and it came up as 35 quid, but she said it might change in the morning.

Thanks! Saw this thread and thought I might have had better luck here = D

Pfft... Should have pre ordered lol. I might check on my lunch break. Reckon any high street stores sell it for £30?!
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