Cheapest thermometer for room

24 Oct 2005
North East
Anyone know a good place to buy a decent sized thermometer. Not sure which places are best for cheap ones. Something that is easy to read from a distance, hanging on the wall or something.
Get yourself a nice Galileo thermometer, easy to read from a distance and decorative too. Mind you you'll probably not find it quite so easy to find a wall mountable one in the UK, they are normally free standing (well the ones I have seen anyway). They aren't that expensive, though I am sure you can get other really cheap ones in most DIY type stores.
local hardware store, basic plastic backed thermometer (about 8-10 inches long, easy to read) about £1.99 last time i looked :)
the ones we got were traditional ones :)
Not pretty but they do the job and are cheap, any half decent hardware store will sell something suitable cheap (as will garden centers although they may not be cheap, and possibly even larger supermarkets).
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