Check this order please! Guitars/amps.

Just search guitar tabs in google, but probably search for how to read tab as well, it isnt easy if you never seen it before

However id suggest a book to start off with, a good old fashioned strum a few chords book...

I had a good one, it was massive... chord encyclopedia or something, it also had play along cd type thing.

Just have a look around, any will probably do to get going.

Finally, remembered to post a picture of the guitar. Originally went for black, but that had a fault...exchanged for:

To the OP: Thought about doing joint lessons with your dad? I've been playing on and off for roughly a year, but thinking about taking lessons with my other half as we're both crap and undisciplined when it comes to training up scales etc.! Hehe.

Nice choice of guitar btw, my guitar is a Vintage VS6B SG style guitar, but for practice I always use my other half's Pacifica as its so much easier to learn on. My guitar is great for rockin' out on though :D
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EvilGrin said:
To the OP: Thought about doing joint lessons with your dad? I've been playing on and off for roughly a year, but thinking about taking lessons with my other half as we're both crap and undisciplined when it comes to training up scales etc.! Hehe.

Nice choice of guitar btw, my guitar is a Vintage VS6B SG style guitar, but for practice I always use my other half's Pacifica as its so much easier to learn on. My guitar is great for rockin' out on though :D

Oh, definately going take some lessons mate...i'm currently using a few website to get a few chords down and a mate of mine has been round (he's rather good!) and showed us a few bits and bobs which made playing a little more fun. Lessons are a must though i'm sure, there could be things i'm not doing right which could be making things harder for me for a start.

Will probably start over the summer hols with those.
Tried&Tested said:
Oh, definately going take some lessons mate...i'm currently using a few website to get a few chords down and a mate of mine has been round (he's rather good!) and showed us a few bits and bobs which made playing a little more fun. Lessons are a must though i'm sure, there could be things i'm not doing right which could be making things harder for me for a start.

Will probably start over the summer hols with those.

As a learner too, I'd definately have a lesson before you even try to start playing.

This way the bad habits will be not be learnt and you will have a solid ground to start playing on.

You need to hold the guitar right (thumb placement should be vertical, low down and pressed against the neck, poor thumb placement is the biggest thing to learn when you are learning imo)

Other than that, learn songs which you WANT to learn. If you start learning songs which don't interest you, you won't be motivated enough. Songs which I started to learn and gave me motivation were Smells Like Teen Spirit and a couple more Nirvana songs.

Practice practice practice and you can then develop, I've just bought a RHCP book after about 8 months of proper learning, so hoping to learn Under the Bridge and beyond the Californication intro and scar tissue. Songs which would motivate me to pick up the guitar, infact talking about them now just makes me want to go home and try to play them.

I'm lucky, as the girlfriend is a guitar teacher, so pick most of my stuff from her, and she also helps me with technique and basically every thing. She's awesome on the guitar, really truely something (classical).

Nice guitar pick, try and have a quick read of what I said and have some basic idea on the type of songs which you want to learn and with enough practice you'll get them.

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