Check this weightlifting routine please?

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18 Sep 2003
Hi guys

Been doing weights for around 9 weeks, need to change my routine and found this one on the net - I changed a few things though:

Day 1: Back, Biceps and Forearms

Deadlifts (3 x 8)
Bent Over Rows (3 x 8)
Wide Grip Pull Downs (3 x 8)
Dumbbell Curls (3 x 8-10)
Barbell Curls (3 x 6-8)
Barbell Palm-up Wrist Curls (1 x 10)

Day 2 - Chest, Shoulder and Triceps

Barbell Bench Press (3 x 8)
Incline Dumbbell Press (3 x 8)
Dumbbell Pullovers (3 x 8)
Barbell Military Press (3 x 8)
Dumbbell Side Laterals (3 x 6-8)
Tricep Extension (3 x 8)

Day 3 - Legs, Calves and Abs

Barbell Full Squats (3 x 6-8)
Dumbbell Lunges (3 x 10)
Standing Calf Raise (3 x 15)
Dumbbell Squats (3 x 8)
Decline Crunches (3 x10)
Cable Crunches (3 x 10)

Couple of questions though -
Can I do some days twice in one week or would that be too much?
Would it be worth adding flyes or dips?
Is all that too much? :p

Thanks for any help

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Shamrock said:
Have you considered full body workouts?

For that routine, I think you can remove a few exercises, for example, there's no need for both BB and dumbell squats. Also, you have almost the same amount of curls as back exercises!

Would it be sufficient to create one full body workout then use it 2-3 days a week?

Yeah...I guess I do lol. Any ideas what to replace say the BB curls with?

ExRayTed said:
I agree with Shamrock.I'm a firm believer in full body routines.*This* is a routine that I've tried with great success.

The trouble is that people look at it and think 'Is that it??' and are tempted to add/customise to it.Don't.Stick to it for 6 months and watch the gains flood in :D

Ok, that looks interesting...will have a better read and stick with it. Just need to sort out my diet :(

Found out today that I'm hopeless at BB Military presses.


So the workout bascially consists of:

Monday -

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

Wednesday -

3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Pendlay or Bent Rows

Friday -

3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

That doesn't seem that much :eek:
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Well I tried the chest, shoulder and triceps workout yesterday, and feel a bit sore today. Don't think my form for the military press was ok though.

Thing is, I'd prefer to loose a bit of weight, or at least give the impression i'm carrying muscle rather than fat - my brother is my height and the same weight - but looks much stronger/musculer whereas I look like a jelly.

lol, yeah I did think that the full body doesn't look enough, but I probably will give it a go.

I'll give each 12 weeks, and if the split works good then Shez gets a hug :p If it's the full body workout, then it's a group hug :D
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