cheer up karen (secretspy) thread

Ha Feek has gone one better than us all, (we all know hes got them for his home page) if those goats dont cheer you up nothing will.

I had clean forgot about them, *chuckles*
So far in this thread, we've not cheered up secretspy, we've traumatised Neon, Roberta's crying and I can't step away from Kenya putting months of therapy to waste...

This is going well :D
am i the only one who didnt find the goats very funny??

think i might treat myself to a dominoes. least by the time i found someone else i will have worked off the chocolate, pizza etc
secretspy said:
am i the only one who didnt find the goats very funny??

think i might treat myself to a dominoes. least by the time i found someone else i will have worked off the chocolate, pizza etc

How can you not find the goats funny :( the goats > *
Haly said:
So far in this thread, we've not cheered up secretspy, we've traumatised Neon, Roberta's crying and I can't step away from Kenya putting months of therapy to waste...

This is going well :D

Ooops! Maybe we should delete the thread and pretend it never happened :p Its a good job we dont do this for a living.

I had a great powerpoint presentation that would have got the job done without fail, I cant for the life of me find it though.
secretspy said:

i just didnt. guess i just have too much stuff getting me down

i know it feels all sucky and crap at the moment, but it will get better and you will be happy, just spend as much tme as possible with your buds, they will cheer you up.

all i can offer is a big manly e-hug

/hugs :)
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