
I was never a gambler apart from a few quid on the last world cup, but I was bored at work on Wednesday so I put ten quid in a William hill account. No offers or anything. Ended up with a £28 balance.
Uh oh
Do I dare ask how many people were on Annie Power on their multiple bets so they were let down?? Never has so much rested on one horse!! Also Many Clouds going down saved the day! Crazy when local horses run and everyone lumps on!
It was much easier taking qual losses on the races and trying to hit the bookie refunds especially by covering the top runners or getting exact matches on bigger priced horses.

Sire de grugy was the only let down and Sprinter Sacre did not run well at all but that was not that much of a surprise. Also using smarkets instead of betfair reduced commission charges as well
I needed it for a 4/4 lucky 15. Could have screamed :(

You and 95% of the betting population....

Never had a be at Cheltenham this year (have done in the past) because I simply couldn't decide. Besides I can't tip wheelbarrows to save my life.

Was worrying how much depended on so few horses whether we as bookies got a pasting or were in profit.
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