Chemical Weapons Factory found

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Originally posted by Bony Maloney
There has been a bit of info on sky news, I think they are very embarrassed by this one.
Doubt it, tv crews have shown film of the place; it was covered in camoflage, why? the UN didn't know there was a chemical installation there, suspicous no?
weird, ive been watching sky news since about 3:30 and i just caught the 6oclock BBC news and there was nowt about it, which is why i asked. Im not doubting it as i have read the links, just woundered why there was no TV coverage.

Originally posted by silverpaw
Doubt it, tv crews have shown film of the place; it was covered in camoflage, why? the UN didn't know there was a chemical installation there, suspicous no?
Emarrassed by the fact an Isreali journalist spilled the beans on an unconfimed finding whipping up the fervour in Israel, and that particular finding was later confirmed as not producing chemical weapons, although in the past it may have been. And an example as there have been many unconfirmed reports coming through that they are trying to get a grip on in the propaganda war.:) If it wasn't a chemical weapons plant why would the UN need to know about it.,,30000-1084802,00.html
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Re: Chemical Weapon Plant Captured

Originally posted by Sleepy
Sky News

Pentagon Confirm Chemical Weapon facility captured. General in charge captured by US forces

"The huge 100-acre complex, which is surrounded by a electrical fence, is perhaps the first illegal chemical plant to be uncovered by US troops in their current mission in Iraq. The surrounding barracks resemble an abandoned slum. "

Jerusalem Post Article

So, all these satelites and stuff, that can read newspapers over your shoulder, and all these weapon inspectors and stuff, didnt notice this berfore??
Its all a load of crap in my opinion.
Re: Re: Chemical Weapon Plant Captured

Originally posted by atpbx
So, all these satelites and stuff, that can read newspapers over your shoulder, and all these weapon inspectors and stuff, didnt notice this berfore??
Its all a load of crap in my opinion.

if you read all the rest, you will notice that the site was "sand camo'd" ei, you cant really see it, it just blends with the desert.
Originally posted by Over Clocker
Aye, its more than you have made in 5 months!!, and just under what i have made in 5 months!

Nothin to be proud of tho tbh!:D

You do seem to have been online a lot recently, Mr OC :D Every war thread I post in, you're there two minutes later to argue with me :mad: :D

/edit - just as I say that, he's gone offline - must have some kind of computer problem ;)
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U.S. military investigators have found no evidence that chemical weapons have been made in the chemical plant siezed by coalition forces in An Najaf, a senior defense official said. The official also said that intelligence gathered before the war had identified the plant as part of Iraq's chemical weapons program. Preliminary evidence indicated that it was a chemical site, but investigators have determined that it has not been used in at least five years.
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