
I dont usually bite on game kickstarters, but I have a huge softspot and a fascination for all things Chernobyl, I mean Stalker games despite their numerous flaws and bugs have been one of my fav gaming experiences, and probably a large proportion of that has been the setting and atmosphere alone.
The trailer so far looks mega promising, should bring that atmosphere in heaps and I can wait to have a go and see what they produce.
A Stalkerish game that isn't a BR or deathmatch... Might actually be worth keeping an eye on. From what i saw so far it looks a bit meh, but having played quite a few early access games I know a lot can change between alpha builds, so it could get there in the end.
I'm fascinated by anything relating to Chernobyl, and I'm especially fond of the Metro and Stalker series, but I've already blown my wad on Red Dead Redemption 2! This will have to wait.
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I'm fascinated by anything relating to Chernobyl, and I'm especially fond of the Metro and Stalker series, but I've already blown my wad on Red Dead Redemption 2! This will have to wait.

Just RDR2??? So many other good titles coming out!
Chernobylite is a great game already even while its in early access and it has a lot of quality content already. There is still a lot that needs to be completed and a lot of game mechanics and features are only partially implemented but so far its looking great! The game does still have quite few bugs but the developers are definitely onto fixing them in a timely and logical maner as well as they listen to the community of players to make sure that they do things right. Chernobylite is a great survival horror with plenty of suspense, good writing, quality content and amazing visuals. Clearly lot of effort is going into the development of the game and its got a lot of potential. If you were already considering buying the game I recommend you just buy it as long as you understand that it is still in early access and comes with the things you'd expect from a quality early access release.

Here is a video of benchmarks comparing the graphics settings in Chernobylite on an RTX 2080 Ti KPE (I recommend a powerful PC to get the most out of how beautiful Chernobylite is):

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