
I played the early version and was not impressed.
To often I was stuck wondering what I was I supposed to do, but maybe that is just me these days as I really do not like all this crafting tosh that features in so many games these days.
I was very tempted for the last few months to get the early access version but not quite sure if it will satisfy my stalker itch.
Looks ok for the price, the reviews are a bit hit and miss, might give it a try as there is not much else out at the minute that takes my fancy.

Anything Chernobyl like gets my attention as well :D though like another thread alludes to, crafting is getting a bit long in the tooth these days.
I bought it a few weeks ago and stopped playing after about 12 hours total. It's just far too disjointed and most parts seem like afterthoughs added together to make a game of mixed genres.

You have 3 health bars which just means taking up 3 of your inventory slots with "3 different health packs". Health, radiation and metnal wellbeing. Health and radiation are understandable but the last one just seems tacked on and does not add value.

The crafting seems another half assed tacked on feature that again adds no real function other than to replenish supplies in a different way than the usual find them around the map way. The issue is you end up finding your ammo and other stuff along the way anyway.

Food is a simple menu system where you assign rations to each companion each night. Again this is purely to keep a stat up that adds nothing to the gameplay.

Base building is rudimentary at best and consists of build a few resource making devices and some beds/furniture. Once you have done the basic base it becomes a redundant feature.

Dying is weird in that you don't. You get reborn with some random items removed from your inventory and while "dead" you get to redo some of your previous choices but it all seems convoluted and weird. For example I decided to change a mission outcome and I had to replay the entire mission until I got to my "choice" so I could change it myself. Why not just change the choice for me?

It's kind of hit and miss because some parts are good but others leave you thinking "why is this a thing".
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