Chest and Stomach Questions

4 Jun 2005

Could anyone answer me a couple of questions please...

Once you lose the weight there is still bits of fat that hang around the stomach and sometimes the chest regardless of how much training you do. What excercies or techniques must you do to get rid of that fat that hangs on the stomach area?

Is there any specific type of thing you should eat?

Thanks in advance!!
zain said:
Once you lose the weight there is still bits of fat that hang around the stomach and sometimes the chest regardless of how much training you do.

Your problem is in that sentence mate. If there is still fat around your stomach and chest then you need to lose more fat. It's as simple as that.

zain said:
What excercies or techniques must you do to get rid of that fat that hangs on the stomach area?

Diet. Cardio will help speed up the process, particularly if you do it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. If you are trying to hang on to lean mass while cutting then I would personally recommend HIIT cardio.

zain said:
Is there any specific type of thing you should eat?

As long as you are eating less calories than you are burning each day you will continue to lose fat. Consider trying a Keto diet or preferably a carb cycling one like the CKD diet. If those aren't to your taste then just adhere to some of the basic cutting guidelines in my sticky.

But anyway...

I'll make a wild guess at what has caused your problem. It sounds like you have hit a plateau with your fat loss. This is common when people fail to eat often enough and cut calories a little too much. If this is the case your metabolism will have slowed down to compensate. This leaves you with two options.

A. Cut calories further to lose the fat. :eek:

B. Spend a good 3-4 weeks sorting your diet out, eating plenty of food and eating regularly enough to speed up your metabolism. Then begin to gradually lower the calories again.

I wouldn't recommend option A as you will likely find yourself losing a lot of lean mass as well as fat and you will be causing your metabolism to slow even further. Consider trying an "over-feeding" approach. Basically stuff your face (with good clean food) for two weeks in order to give your metabolism a kick start then begin dieting again; but gradually. Throw in some HIIT cardio 3 times a week in the mornings and your abs should be popping out in no time.
zain said:
Cheers Gordy as always a great reply and I do HIIT yeah, very effective in less time ^^

Anytime mate, glad to help.

If you decide to try an "over-feeding" approach then don't worry if you begin to look a little bloated after say the first week. You probably won't have put on too much fat and it is most likely just due to water retention. This should drop off once you begin dieting again.

Of course it's possible that your plateau wasn't down to any slight mistakes on your part. If your diet was in check, you were eating regularly enough and eating only 400-500 under your maintenance calories then you might just have hit a natural plateau. If that is the case then you really need to work your arse off with the cardio and maybe drop another 200 or so calories off your daily intake. Only you can be the judge of that though. :)

Those last bits of fat are notoriously tough to get off. Getting in to the sub 10% body fat range doesn't come easy for a lot of us. Just work hard, eat right and you'll eventually get there.
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