sldsmkd - good job! That looks excellent!
Robbie - pics please! And lol at the screen cap...!
I couldn't stop thinking it when I was cutting the wishbone out too. What a pervert eh?
Boning the bird took me absolutely ages! I kept referring to the YouTube vid on my phone, which meant I had to keep washing my hands
. Next time I think it'll take me half the time though, now that the whole thing has been de-mystified somewhat.
Anyway here are my pics.
The stuffing is lashford sausage meat, with some fresh sage from the garden. Carcass and bones went straight on for stock with a leek, peppercorns, parsley and bay:
Trussed and ready to go:
Obligatory arty shot with exaggerated DoF
[OT shot] BBQ chimney...heats the coals up quicker. Very handy:
Arrangement for indirect method (coals to side with drip tray in centre, top and bottom vents fully open. Align top vent with meat for best results):
I cooked in to 'pork' setting on the meat thermometer; I find with resting time that this setting is perfect. Not sure why it looks crispier near the legs...maybe the extra stuffing down there (as per the OP's video) helped to crisp it up somehow:
And on the plate...anticlimax visually but it tasted GREAT. Served with beans tossed in olive oil, mustard and vinegar, with butter and thyme smashed potatoes (Charlotte variety). Also, we had bashed-Crunchy-covered vanilla ice cream for pudding, so I had to leave room for that
My skin doesn't look anywhere near as good as the above, but it was fairly crispy. I think next time I'll start the chicken directly over the coals then move it to indirect method after 15 minutes or so. Flavour however, was really good. We're doing it again for my in-laws on Friday night! Thanks again for the idea / recipe!