Child Friendly first/third person game recommendations?

31 May 2005
My nippa has finished Ghostbusters: The Video Game from 2009 and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Sure, a little linear for my liking but it was a good story from what I remember.

He says he like the story and from what I remember, it was polished on that front.

Any other recommendations please?

I am not flatout against "violence" but replacing humans for ghosts/aliens is acceptable :) Shooting an AK in someones face is not acceptable.

I have tried Serious Sam but to be honest, I think he wants something with a little more story, he really got engrossed in the Ghostbusters story.

The Lego games are all great, and there is loads to choose from. There is also the older Star Wars titles like Jedi Acadamy and Outcast which do involve shooting, and light sabers, but mostly on aliens and its hardly bloodthirsty. My son was also into TES Oblivion and Skyrim from around the age of seven, but these are more involved games.
Lego games. The marvel ones are mental, the depth is unbelievable for a kids game. The rewards are worth it, my 4 year old doesnt do the missions he just explores the huge city. Also he's awesome at splatoon.
What about DMC: Devil May Cry. Lots of monsters to kill in that.

Darksiders 1&2

Prototype 1&2

Deep Space 1,2&3

Lost Planet 1,2&3

Have a look through the Youtube vids and decide for yourself.
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Trine (all 3) is great and coop too. My nephews love watching me play it. Also gorgeous and supports 3d on any 3d tv
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