Child Maintenance

See, this sort of comment is why I keep coming back to GD. No matter which way you think of a problem, there's ALWAYS some bat****, utterly deranged wacko that comes out of the woodwork and make the thread comedy gold.
Do you have an actual well reasoned and legitimate counter argument as to why you disagree with the opinion? Disagreeing by trying to insult someone is the weakest possible reply that to me only conveys a lack of intellect.
If she's making her money of Facebook I doubt she's paying any tax.

Id report her anonymously to the HMRC, they'll do a investigation and figure out how much she's earnt over the last year. CMS will have access to this report and she'll have to back date you the pay. But it would probably be £7 a week or something like that..
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Not at the moment for sure prices are 2-3 times what they are normally due to the covid tax, scalpers are not only after your gpus they want your holidays also :)

Yeah - where my brother usually takes a holiday in Cornwall was IIRC up from £800 to £2400 or £2500! so went with their second choice which had only doubled from £600 to £1200...
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