Childcare - Grandparents

I feel for you. My kids are down to a single grandparent after my mum passed this month.

If we lost my mother in law we’d be truly shafted for childcare.

Well when I say they have non. they have my Mother in Law. About as use as a chocolate teapot. We have to beg, beg, beg her to come see the kids. The kids love her. She thinks she is Gran of the year because when she does eventually pop down she brings sweets.. Won't offer to look after them whilst we pop out for a meal, or need to due to an appointment etc...

My mum and dad died when I was 7 so non my side.
Not sure where to post this but here seemed the best option. I'm hoping that this is a sinple answer but I have doubts about it not being.

Basically, can I pay a grandparent each month for childcare if they are not a registered childminder? If so, does someone have to pay tax and NI on that amount? The amount would be £436 each month.

they only way you dont pay NI is if you receive state pension...
they are liable to tax if their taxable income is over the tax free allowance threshold...state pension is taxable....
if your gross self employed earnings are under 1k in the tax year then you dont even need to advise it...
as soon as that gross amount goes over 2.5k a tax return is due......

give them the sprogs and the money and leave it at that....


There’s probably some rhyme or reason to all this guyver about grandparents, babysitting and payment for same, but I freely admit that I can’t get my head around it.
I can’t imagine being paid for looking after my grandkids, but if my younger son wanted to work some moody on the tax man by asking me to say that he was paying us to watch his kids, I’d do it.
My elder son wouldn’t do it, he’s lived so long in Germany that he has a German mindset on obeying laws, he won’t even cross the road if the green CROSS NOW sign isn’t flashing.
The bottom line for me is, I love my grandkids so much, that I’d pay my kids to let me look after their kids.
It’s often said that the best thing about grandkids is that you get to give them back, I never wanted to give mine back, I’d have put them between two loaves of bread and ate them if I could.
I do not have a father or grandfather, so you are more than welcome to be my papa.
I do not have a father or grandfather, so you are more than welcome to be my papa.

Unfortunately for you, my love for males went from my dad, through to my sons, then came to a crashing halt with the arrival of my three grandsons.
My love for females is the stuff of legends, scratch that, WAS the stuff of legends, but can be characterised in the final analysis with how I feel about my wife, my granddaughter, and (providing this is entre-nous), the intense feeling that I had for the girl that I left my first wife for.
As I highly doubt that you’re a 5’ 5” slim, raven haired Polish girl, with piercing green eyes, then hélas, I cannot see my way clear to taking you under my wing, desolée, but I’ll always treasure the fact that you asked.
We paid my mum and dad.

I think it's odd not to tbh esp if its a regular occurrence.

No disrespect to you and yours amigafan, but I totally cannot get my head around that.
My sons would never have dreamed of offering me monetary recompense for looking after my grandkids, I would have exploded on the spot if they’d offered.
If they’d asked me to have them seven days per week, I’d have pushed for eight.
There is nothing more important in life than family, if either of my two sons needed a new heart, I’d be gutted that I had but one to give.
No disrespect to you and yours amigafan, but I totally cannot get my head around that.
My sons would never have dreamed of offering me monetary recompense for looking after my grandkids, I would have exploded on the spot if they’d offered.
If they’d asked me to have them seven days per week, I’d have pushed for eight.
There is nothing more important in life than family, if either of my two sons needed a new heart, I’d be gutted that I had but one to give.
I agree. I've asked my parents if they want anything when they've looked after the kids but they're just happy to see them. I suspect it gives them something to do as they're retired.
I agree. I've asked my parents if they want anything when they've looked after the kids but they're just happy to see them. I suspect it gives them something to do as they're retired.
That's the key thing, having the time because they are retired. If both parents work full time but it is a good solution for everyone if you pay them a bit to do a few days less work and look after kids instead, then that sort of works.

It's great if they can freely do childcare whenever, but that's a luxury really.
I imagine any grandparent that didn't need the cash would be saving it for the sprog anyway.
wow .. we had to do it all ourselves crazy to think you can now get childcare and both work ... wife din't go back to work till the kids were 12-13 ..
wow .. we had to do it all ourselves crazy to think you can now get childcare and both work ... wife din't go back to work till the kids were 12-13 ..
Guess it depends on many factors, cheap housing being one of them:D. Obviously the salary of the parents helps, if you've got 2 kids earning and parents earning minimum wage, not sure it would be easy. I'd say when the start school it gets cheap though as then you'd just be paying for out of school clubs which in my experience are cheaper than nursery.
No disrespect to you and yours amigafan, but I totally cannot get my head around that.
My sons would never have dreamed of offering me monetary recompense for looking after my grandkids, I would have exploded on the spot if they’d offered.
If they’d asked me to have them seven days per week, I’d have pushed for eight.
There is nothing more important in life than family, if either of my two sons needed a new heart, I’d be gutted that I had but one to give.

Such a lovely display of love towards your family, almost brings a tear to the eye. Beautiful!
Just push a bit of cash at them? If its a regular bank payment I can understand worrying about it but otherwise I wouldn't. Or payment in kind take them for a meal once a week or something. Or pay their petrol costs etc.
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