Chimp Attack Victim Unveils Horrific Injuries

stupid Americans.

they do insist on keeping wild animals as pets.

why is she suing for $50m? it doesn't look like she has $50m to give!!
No one wants to accept my apology? Malc how about you?

I still can't believe what a fool I've been. I really should be more intelligent.
Thank you Efour. One day I hope to possess all knowledge so never again will I make another false statement and be ridiculed for it. Until then I will continute to read these forums to gain said knowledge.

Oh please stop, my office is in hysterics!

Tell your office that the bumbling moron who didn't realise chimps were built like terminators has just spilled his coffee and now has to change his trousers. That should give them another good laugh :D
why is she suing for $50m? it doesn't look like she has $50m to give!!

she's probably got some form of home/business insurance, hence the lawsuit.

personally i don't think the doctors did the victim any favours saving her life, it "might" have been a greater kindness to let her succumb to her injuries. as i dread to think what her quality of life is going to be like. not to mention the medical bills she'll rack up over the coming years.
She has a huuuuuge nose!

She is probably still in treatment, the surgeons will insert balloons under her skin to encourage growth, balloon will be removed and skin used to help reconstruct her features as best they can, it will probably take a long time to be finished but will help improve her quality of life.

Stupid comment at any rate :rolleyes:.

Big exotic pets are a big thing in the states, some people keep Tigers and other highly dangerous pets - what do they expect?

A chimp is about that last creature on the planet that I'd like as a pet, damn thing would just pull your limbs off like a ragdoll.
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