Chinese GP 2009 - Race 3/17

I can see it now, Race Con trol will say its to dangerous cos people are going off, when in reality they are going off because the saftey car is holding them up making them cold. Let them go!!!
So whats the chances of 50laps under SC? :p. By time FIA decide - ala Malaysia - it will be end of race...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Certainly doesn't look like that SC is 'pushing hard' - put M.Schui in it and we will see how much it can be pushed :-)

Maybe a stupid question but does the safty car change its tyre's depending on the condition?

Schui in a Merc..... lol.

And yest the SC will have optimum tyres for the condition. From almost slick slicks to full cut wets.
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