Chinese Motherboards & Performance Quality

16 Oct 2023
Sarasota, Florida
I'm just wondering if any of you have tried any of the Chinese motherboard brands and if you believe that they perform as well as common name brands such as ASUS, Asrock, MSI, Gigabyte, etc., etc.. When I say Chinese motherboard brands, I'm referring to any of the following:

  • Jingsha
  • Machinist
  • Mucai
  • Maxsun/Soyo
  • Kllisre
  • Huananzhi
  • Qiyida
  • etc.
  • etc..
The particular motherboard that I've taken an interest in is the JINGSHA New ITX H110 H311 LGA1151 Motherboard as shown in the image below.


What I'm trying to figure out is if the claimed specs are real as far as performance goes.
I'd appreciate any experiences that any of you may have had with any of the motherboards listed above. Thanks.
10 Nov 2005
No offense, but it looks like it's out of a cracker, do you really want to attach decent genuine components that cost a fair amount to junk like this?

I personally wouldn't trust something like this in the short or the long term, nor it's capacitors or VRM quality... You get what you pay for...

It's like those cheap PSU's you see, would you want to trust that with genuine/decent brand parts? No you wouldn't :)

TLDR Just go for something entry level or mid range by a known brand, or buy something decent second hand from somewhere legit if you're pairing it with more 2nd hand parts?
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11 Nov 2002
I agree with keef247, the motherboard and PSU are at the heart of the system and might see multiple upgrade configurations. Due to that I wouldn't want to cheap out and risk all the other expensive items that are relying on the mobo and PSU.

I've never heard of any of these brands.
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16 Oct 2023
Sarasota, Florida
No offense, but it looks like it's out of a cracker, do you really want to attach decent genuine components that cost a fair amount to junk like this?

I personally wouldn't trust something like this in the short or the long term, nor it's capacitors or VRM quality... You get what you pay for...

It's like those cheap PSU's you see, would you want to trust that with genuine/decent brand parts? No you wouldn't :)

TLDR Just go for something entry level or mid range by a known brand, or buy something decent second hand from somewhere legit if you're pairing it with more 2nd hand parts?
So, which Chinese board have you actually tested yourself?
10 Nov 2005
So, which Chinese board have you actually tested yourself?
None, as when I spend 1-2k on all brand new hardware the last thing I'd do is bolt it to a £30-60 psu/motherboard and blow it to pieces/walk back into an overheating/throttled electrical fire, it is insulting to your components to cheap out on something as crucial as a motherboard or psu when you can easily buy something better 2nd hand/refurbished/in the sale new with warranty!

The same way I don't need to use a Chinese turbo/pistons/cams on an engine I've built to know it will blow it to pieces 50 miles later...

However it wont surprise you if you look up these AliExpress junk products you'll find a lovely 50/50 split of either idiots claiming they work magic and honest people telling you the vrm's are rubbish and the overall quality is re-used ancient parts robbed off dead motherboards/fake components and in general are junk and break! The best ones are the dodgy serial numbered cpu's that are soldered into motherboards. Utter garage!

You wouldn't trust one of those fake gpu's with a fake flashed bios that claim to be a brand new/refurbed top tier gpu from AliExpress that aren't even the chips they claim to be with a fake bios/malware driver bundle, so why would you trust their motherboards!

TLDR, stop watching YouTuber's claiming they're amazing cause they've got sent them for free/being paid to say so, and buy something 2nd hand/refurbed/in the sale new with warranty with proper vrm's, capacitors and feature-set and enjoy your pc and never look back!

Do it once, do it right! ;)
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11 Oct 2009
Greater London
I can't remember the brand names but we did have a look at a couple of them at work. What we found was they seemed to use recycled parts from other motherboards, and the BIOS is extremely bare or buggy (I'm pretty sure they're ported from other models). They didn't last long either, we stuck with more reputable brands in the end.
10 Nov 2005
I can't remember the brand names but we did have a look at a couple of them at work. What we found was they seemed to use recycled parts from other motherboards, and the BIOS is extremely bare or buggy (I'm pretty sure they're ported from other models). They didn't last long either, we stuck with more reputable brands in the end.
Yep. They reuse stuff off old or dead motherboards and often lie about what they claim to be parts wise and use dodgy modified bios to make them appear higher spec than they are along with terrible VRM's and capacitors, just like with the GPU's!
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10 Nov 2005
Correct, was just explaining why I haven't and my thoughts on doing so.

Happy to hear from those who have, or from those who go on to do so and want to report back. Personally I can justify the extra expense for the lower risk.
Oh I know mate, just agreeing you with ;)

Yeah same, and 2nd hand/refurbed/open box/sale price, cant not justify it at that point!
10 Sep 2009
From what I've learned is that they often re-cycle parts including soldering mobile processors to the board. Not actually a bad idea except the execution means you get inefficient stressed VRMs and generic BIOS software adapted to work mostly as mentioned. I also saw prices start out low enough for a fun project that then got inflated after Yutubers made quick system builds that didn't fully explore the downsides.
25 Feb 2015
I've not tested one, but I don't see the attraction. You can pick up an H110 second-hand on auction sites etc for £40 from a well-known brand. As far as I can tell the JINGSHA is even more expensive, and yes it's new, but there's no reason to think that will make it more reliable and the warranty will probably be worthless as well.
6 Nov 2005
As a way of re-using and recycling old gear I have great respect for the idea of these things. But I wouldn't use them in any machine that was doing anything important. But if I were making a cheap fortnite machine for a kid, I'd certainly consider one with some used bits and bobs
15 Oct 2003
I use a Soyo B660M after seeing it sort of reviewed on Hardware Unboxed/TechYes. It's fully a Maxsun board, just rebranded.
I only run it with a 12400, so it's not exactly getting any stress put on it. I'd say it was completely hassle free, but I did have issues running one RX580 on it when I was testing older stuff. It's worked with every other GPU I've stuck in it, but this one just refused to POST. The GPU worked in 2 other motherboards, so it wasn't an issue with the 580.

Aside from that, I've built systems using Maxsun, Onda and Colorful boards and never had an issue.
As above, I wouldn't ever want to be pairing them with extremely power hungry CPUs, but for cheap/cheerful they do the job.

Very easy for people to rubbish Chinese boards, when they aren't ever building low-end systems. For the companies that are stripping components and selling on "new" boards, I wouldn't recommend those unless you were in China, or have a spare X79/X99 CPU, etc, kicking about.
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10 Nov 2005
I use a Soyo B660M after seeing it sort of reviewed on Hardware Unboxed/TechYes. It's fully a Maxsun board, just rebranded.
I only run it with a 12400, so it's not exactly getting any stress put on it. I'd say it was completely hassle free, but I did have issues running one RX580 on it when I was testing older stuff. It's worked with every other GPU I've stuck in it, but this one just refused to POST. The GPU worked in 2 other motherboards, so it wasn't an issue with the 580.

Aside from that, I've built systems using Maxsun, Onda and Colorful boards and never had an issue.
As above, I wouldn't ever want to be pairing them with extremely power hungry CPUs, but for cheap/cheerful they do the job.

Very easy for people to rubbish Chinese boards, when they aren't ever building low-end systems. For the companies that are stripping components and selling on "new" boards, I wouldn't recommend those unless you were in China, or have a spare X79/X99 CPU, etc, kicking about.
But when you're building a low end build, the parts are stupid cheap enough brand new and for known brand parts/1-3 year old mid to top tier stuff, let alone entry level... So again there's no reason to buy tat from China made with Christ knows what components!

When you can have a warranty from a supplier/2nd hand from a seller on the forum/ebay etc etc etc in your own country, and it arrive 2 days later! Entry level or 2nd hand cpu/ram costs peanuts, as does a low wattage decent brand psu etc etc, and motherboards from a platform that's just changed i.e. AM4 costs nothing these days let alone 2nd hand, so there really is no excuse these days!.

It also majorly doesn't morally sit well for me supporting these dodgy scumbags that rip people off selling hardware that isn't what it says it is paired with a fake bios/malware drivers, like they do with those fake gpu's they sell which are never what they claim model/brand wise. So the more people ignore them the better!
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15 Oct 2003
Sounds like you've been scammed before, and just wrongly tar every other company with the same brush.
I have to assume the reason someone is looking at a cheap ITX H110 board is they already have a CPU sitting around. No idea what costs of used boards are in UK, but if it's much cheaper (I can't imagine it is for such a low end board) then it will always be a reasonable purchase.
16 Aug 2009
These threads always remind me of people who defend buying cheap knock off mobile chargers or even hair tongs then wonder why the reports come in of the things catching fire you've got literally zero accountability with these things anything sold within this country has to meet basic standards of safety and british standards testing anything arriving via unofficial channels through the back door they could be absolutely anything and if its anything like the cheap and cheerful things I've bought previously I wouldn't touch with a bargepole they've varied from absolute junk to downright dangerous
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