Chips - How to?

Just why!

Because Heston, Godchild, Blumenthal does it so it must be the best way to do it. You really should keep up you know. If you don't slavishly copy the master you'll be labelled a Luddite. In his next book he will reveal that chips are not worth eating unless you cook them for 14 hours at 20 seconds a time over the course of 4 days.
Cut them up into the size you want. Put then in over dish, dash a little bit of oil over them, shake the dish about to cover the chips.

Put them in an oven at 180*C (fan assisted), cook for 30 minutes (shake the dish about at about 17.5mins and again at 30 mins)....put them back in for a further 10-15 mins at 220*C (this is to turn them crispy)

Ensure you check on them every few mins to ensure they are not burning.

This is the way I do them and they taste great (much better than the frozen stuff anyway). You can add a bit of seasoning as well if you like.
Will try the oven method, healthier and most likely not as much messing around.

Not sure what I could even measure the temperature of oil with.... got meat thermometers :p

Everytime I've done them in oil though I haven't done a double cook, probably why they aren't that nice.
I have been doing this method for over 25 years. It goes like this....

Cut your pots into chips whatever thickness you like. Not too thick though. Melt either 4/5 blocks of Lard or 4/5 blocks of Salted butter (Lurpak) in a deep chip/saucepan. Once its boiling, pop in your soon to be chips and cook until golden brown at full heat.

I have NEVER had bad chips doing this. I use any potatoes as to me makes no difference on what sort. The butter method is best as they taste so damn good.
I just do them simply and have had loads of complements on them. Cut the potatoes into chip shapes (1cm x 1cm x potatoe) and place them in a very hot pan of oil until they go golden brown (10 mins?). Then drain them and rest on some paper towel for 30 seconds before serving with salt and vinegar.
Oven chips are always going to be rubbish, but you can improve them a little...

Before putting them in the oven chuck them in a bowl and add a tiny drizzle of olive oil and a small pinch of salt*. Mix it up a bit then cook like normal. It will give them a slightly nicer coating than you'd otherwise get.

*And other seasoning if you are feeling adventurous.
For the ultimate chip condiment aka cheats Andalouse sauce:

Get a big dollop of mayo and stir in a teaspoon of tomato puree and a teaspoon of curry paste... it's awesome!
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