Chirping 7200.10's

1 Aug 2006

I purchased 2 7200.10 320gb sata hdd's in november for a new build and they make a chirping noise at random points during seek.

It seems to be when the drive seeks near the last few gigs of data (when running any hdd diagnostic programs on either drive it sounds like a flock of sparrows fighting inside the case).

The drives still function normally so I was just wondering if this is a sign that the drives are knackered and whether I should send them back to OCUK for an exchange?

The reason I have left it this long is because both drives do the same thing so I just assumed it was normal but it is really getting me worried now and to be honest it's annoying me now
That's why my next purchase will be a samsung drive
such a pain to get a noisey barracuda and have to pay postage costs to rma
it even if you can rma it.Not a risk worth taking IMO.
Buying hardware should'nt be like doing the lottery.
my 2nd baracuda makes a weird metal squeal sound for a second every now and then, not too often. I had already RMAed the first and too lazy to RMA this 1 as well. My first baracuda worked from the get go.

Yes it is just luck but they are good drives if you find working 1s and dont mind rmaing
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