Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Fps/hand to hand combat sim ( INDIE )

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a first-person medieval online combat experience that seeks to deliver the intensity of epic hollywood medieval block busters to the hands of a gamer.

Centered around melee combat in the middle ages, the game is skill-based and controls like a FPS, but instead of guns, players are given swords, shields, maces, longbows, catapults and many other medieval weapons and battle it out in lush medieval environments. Battles have multiple stages and objectives such as smashing in the castles gate with a battering ram or razing and pillaging your opponent's encampment.
Good news. I'd like to see more medieval first person perspective games. :)

Graphically, it looks very good, too.
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I watched a couple of videos of this on the game looks really good & the combat looks very well thought out, though I will reserve judgement till I actually get my hands on it, as melee combat has never really been done properly IMO.

Also it has a mission based multi-player mode which looks interesting, in the example I saw one team were tasked with defending a castle town from a team who had to ransack it, rather than having flags like battlefield the attackers have to burn the buildings down with torches & kill all the villagers, once this is accomplished the objective moves to the castle walls, it looked impressive hope it lives up to the promise.
I hereby pledge my anticipation

I watched that play video and they look to have put a lot of effort into this game so far, the objective game mode looks good, hopefully the maps are ok
I am loving the look of this game, it's been a style of game I have always longed for since playing medieval total war (well the whole series really) I hope they nail the combat which it looks like they have from the other vids.
I'd like this to be a sucess so that it gets a sequel, possibly set in another era or society, Fuedal Japan or the Roman conquest even, there are endless posibilities if it works.
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wow... this really does blow war of the roses out of the water. I like how they've added proper objectives into the game as well.

Slaughter the peasants and burn the village.
Breach the keep with the battering ram.
Kill the king.

makes things so much more interesting than doing a death match. It will unite players and make them focus together

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Looks great, will be looking to buy this.

Wasn't keen on War of the Roses, didn't bring enough to the table compared to Mount & Blade: Warband.
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