Christmas dinner idea thread.....

225g Dried pitted dates chopped
225g glacéed lemon peel
225g glacéed orange peel
225g glacéed mix peel
225g glacéed red cherries
225g glacéed green cherries (couldn't find any so just used red)
425g currents
425g rasins
425g sultanas
340g ground or chopped almonds (which ever you preffer)
2 cups apricot brandy (I used an entire bottle of cognac and 1/2 litre of orange juice

450grams self raising flour
220grams demarar sugar (but muscavado might work better)
1 teaspon ground cinamon
1 teaspon ground ginger
1 teaspon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspon ground cloves
1 teaspoin salt
750g suet
6 large eggs
180ml red current jelly

1) Mixe all the dried fruit together and saok for 4 days, keep adding liquid if it starts to dry out.

2) after 4 days mix all *** dry ingredients together, add *** eggs and jelly to the wet ingredients. Mix all extremly well.

3) in a large enough bowl or several small ones. Evenly mix the dry and wet ingredients together. Make sure it's well combines. Can't mix to much. I would do it by hand or you'll break all *** cherries up.

4) greasy a pyrex or ceramic bowl, and place your mix in leaving a inch or two for expansion. Make sure it's well pressed down.

5) cook in a bainmarie for 6-12 hours

6) once cooled take out and wrap in cling film then foil and store in a cool place

&) once a week douse in some brandy or cognac. (as it's only 5 days till I will be eating this, I will be doing this every day)

The soaked dried fruit

The dry and wet ingredients :0 look how much there is I reckon this will make 4 or 5 family sized puds.. Ooppss

Mixed together, fills a large wok

Butter/grease your bowl

fill bowl leaving some room for expansion, double foil and secure with several elestic bands. Important not to let any water into the pud.
...I used an entire bottle of cognac...
...once a week douse in some brandy or cognac. (as it's only 5 days till I will be eating this, I will be doing this every day)...

Looks good, just make sure you don't drive for a while after eating it!
I know there's a lot of budding chefs and there a few of us who do a fake Christmas dinner for friends on the run upto Christmas.
Mines in two weeks.

So what's everyone doing for their dinner.
I can't decide what meat to do on the main course. I might look into traditional Victorian or possibly Roman dinners as I want to try something other than the usual turkey or goose.

Game terrine with cranberry sauce and fresh bread
Haven't decided on which bread to make yet.
Loosely based on this recipe
About 600g lean meat cut into strips (this could include any of pheasant breasts, guinea fowl breasts, duck breasts, goose breasts, saddle of rabbit, haunch of venison)
olive oil for frying
500g sausage meat, livers (and other game off cuts),finely chopped
100g fresh white breadcrumbs
1 egg
2 tbsp parsley, finely chopped
6 mint leaves, finely chopped
few sprigs of thyme, finely chopped
5 juniper berries and 3 black peppercorns crushed in a pestle and mortar
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
splash of brandy or Armagnac
2 tbsp red wine
300g streaky bacon

Emailed this to me mum :o
Glad you liek the look of it, if she does make it let me know what you think.

ifs their any chance of getting some more detailed instructions?

She likes the sound of it (as do I) but would rather not balls it up if it is for crimbo dinner :)
I am making a chilli xmas day...

well i say make - mince + random chilli sauce jar from somerfield... Uncle Bens maybe!? + rice

not as dark as I thought it would be and it's a little to moist. Too much cognac I recon. Still it's needs a 2nd cook. Only managed 4 hours but of to work now, so will cook it for another 4 hours or so tomorrow. Tastes great though..
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Muhhhaahhhaaaaa how about this for a solid chunk of meat..

I thought I would learn to tunnel bone, as you can see it didn't turn out well so I butter flied it instead. Taking the leg and wing meat of and putting it insside. We now have a solid lump of meat
Goose > chicken > pheasant > stuffing.
No idea how much it ways. But darn it should be good. Says it should take 4 hours to cook and 1 hour resting. So should be eating 5-6ish.

Learnt two things, need to teach my self more butchering skills and how to tie up a piece of meat.
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