Christmas post dinner games

13 Jan 2009
So the Eye of Santa has fallen on my house this year and I have a lot of relatives to entertain after the feasting, so to keep the violence to a minimum I'm looking for ideas from the good folks at OCUK.
What are your favourite post Christmas dinner games, the classics like Who am I and charades are always fun but looking for new suggestions if anyone can help?
Just make sure everyone drinks an extra couple of glasses of port and you can go with the old traditional favourite of having a nap.

Really wish I hadn't googled that.

Please tell me you're at work. Please tell me you're at work. Please tell me you're at work.
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A couple from Big Potato games

Herd Mentality is a good family game, the group answers questions like "Write down a noise that an animal makes" or "What is the stickiest food", everyone who puts the most popular answer gets a point

Don't Get Got. I got it recently but haven't had enough people round to play it yet :(
It's an all day game, as people arrive you give them secret tasks to do like "Get a player to say donkey" or "Say Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie and get a player to argue with you"
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