Chrome and youtube disk writes

30 Jul 2005
so with windows 10 being able to clearly show disk disk usage info in task manager iv noticed when playing youtube videos in chrome there is constant disk write activity as the video is buffered. not good for a ssd especially on a family computer that does nothing buy youtube stuff most of the day.

anyone else noticed this and seen a way around it? with the amount of ram chrome uses im shocked it doesnt buffer to ram and goes straight to disk. daft.
There was a noticable slowdown in chrome response with mechanical drive as cache. Now using ramdisk which is even better than the ssd.
Totally pointless worrying about SSD writes in a home environment, unless it's a cheap fragile SSD it's not going to have an impact.
Yeah you'll never wear out an SSD like that, don't worry. I have consumer SSD's with near 100tb written to them in my server. Theyre being written to 24/7 as they run multiple virtual machines and dockers.
If your family watches 1080p content 24/7, assuming 8mbit video that is written entirely to the drive, it'd take 11.5 days to write 1TB to the SSD. 1TB of wear to an SSD isn't very much.

Many people use geforce experience to keep a recording of the the last several minutes of gameplay. This is by default a 50mbit video and is cached to the system drive, normally an SSD. There hasn't been any outcry about that killing SSDs either.

TL;DR stop worrying about SSD writes.
Daft why chrome just doesnt buffer to ram.
Are you complaining that chrome isn't using enough RAM?
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