the issue i find with cinemas at the moment (though it's not their fault) is just a lack of new films and good ones at that.
last films i've watched at cinema:
Jurassic world - terrible
thor - terrible
matrix - terrible
spiderman - great
uncharted - mediocre at best
fantastic beasts - terrible
the batman - great
doctor strange - terrible
death on the nile - pretty decent
nicholas cage move - above average
what is the next big movie that's coming out? what's the next big franchise that people talk about and discuss future films etc?
what movie will make people line up to watch it at midnight release? remember when harry potter was out, and people would go to book signings, dress up like the characters, then go to the movies in characters, watch the movies multiple times.
i don't think netflix has stopped this. i think the quality of films have.
there is such terrible quality, and such small amount of original movies coming to cinemas now.
i haven't been in about 1.5 months, which is the longest time (ignoring covid) that has gone by and i can't see anything getting me to go back soon.
i am the one that organises my group to go cinema, and they have all said the same thing about pretty much every movie we've watched this year, and that the movie was rubbish, and they only paid £3 each to see the film.
the only thing i can directly blame on cinemas, is the price of their food and drinks. it's just ridiculous. i get they are trying to make money, but i'm sure they've got to the point now that they are so far above what you'd expect to pay, that people buy else where and bring in, or don't buy at all.