The problem with going to the cinema is other people's noise. Talking, food crunching, phones. I will never forget how my viewing of Let The Right One In in Soho was ruined by the guy a few seats down constantly eating popcorn through the entire thing - it is not a loud film, it has a large focus on silence and images, and for much of it all I could hear was crunch, crunch, crunch.
Also, it's a bit of a rip off - the last few films I've seen at the cinema - bar 1917 - have been a waste of money.
I know that it's hard to make cash as a cinema, really hard, but I think more and more it's becoming overrated and redundant. I only have a 24" monitor, but the last two films I watched at home, in particular, I feel I had a much better experience with than if I had watched them at a cinema [and one of them was in 4:3!]. Watching good films is not just dependent on a LARGE SCREEN SIZE but silence, concentration, darkness, atmosphere. You can control these at home, in the cinema you cannot, so you are paying money for something you have less of a chance of getting.