Cities: Skylines

Last Sim City was a massive disappointment and is the last time I pre-ordered anything from EA.

I have high hopes for Cities: Skylines, the massive maps are exactly what i'm looking for ^^

Tropico is cool, but doesn't quite give me the fix I need :/
This looks good, I'm a massive fan of Paradox so hoping they pull something great out of the bag with this one.
ive sat through almost all their youtube videos now, (3 services & policies, 4/6 simulation and 4 infrastructure) and im really impressed. I'd still like to see bigger maps, but keeping the expansion aspect as it is. Each plot seems about 3/4 the size of SimCity, so 9 of those is a huge improvement... but it doesnt feel huge as such, 'sufficient' is probably fair.
I also wish that when it came to agriculture the tiles were much bigger, its fine having these 3 block deep plots for housing, but offices should be slightly bigger (4), industrial considerably bigger (5-6) and farming should be huge. Its understandable to a degree, but feels wrong. It wouldnt be so bad if it was like the forestry areas, with tree plots (ratio of trees to sawmills needs improving too) so you had lots of crop field plots for each farmhouse. A degree of 'clumping' would help, so it put a bunch of crop tiles together, animal pens together, orchards, forests etc. If its a small area then maybe it makes sense to diversify, but larger areas should seek to be together IMO.

One thing i did like from SC was the production lines, mining resources and then processing them into something. Ive not seen this yet, it seems like a more simplified solution of mine>produce>sell, with 'goods' being the output. I kinda liked the specialisations. Hopefully they add similar with district policies, so it adds things like a high-tech area.
Similar story for 'specialisations', the landmarks, casinos, colleges... i enjoyed those, it added challenges into the city to get the best out of them, unlock something new etc.

I havent seen any kind of planned feature list for it yet, is there any online aspect? CIM2 had multiplayer, you could work together to build transport networks, and work as rival companies iirc (only did coop). I'd love to do something similar here, multiplayer plots, and coop plots.

Also, is this intended to be EA, or a proper release (est dates?). Looks like it'd be a lot of fun already.
Just coming back to say... WTF was i thinking about the maps being about 3/4 the size. I havent played SC since the month it came out (a fair bit at the time, too) but just got fed up with it. Got the bug having watched all the videos back-to-back, and fired it up. The SC maps are about 1/2 of 1 plot, and considering you can branch out into 9, it really is going to be considerably better... that said, i stand by my comment about wanting them bigger... cos bigger = better :D

Also, running on an I5 & 660, i think it looks fantastic and as ive since found out, its offline only (bah, though i think all my lightweight city-building friends are burnt from SC anyway) so it'd be real nice if bigger was still possible.
cant wait for it. I got Cities XXL the other day, but it's just not what I was hoping.

They really dropped a clanger naming it Cities Skylines, this one has nothing to do with the Cities XL/XXL games yet most ppl think its another expansion. Can't wait for Skyline regardless, looking quite nice.
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