I feel obligated to post in this quality thread as my name is on the first page before it was resurected from the murky depths.
When will people learn that this is not the saxo sports club......
mrk1@1 said:
Having had extensive test driving time in both. My friend works for a Mazda/Honda dealer group I would say that the civic is a better buy but not a better car.
It depends on which RX8 you want as well. The build quality is lovely but the fuel economy is a killer. 20mpg if your lucky from what I have found. Have you tried the 190 and 230. The 190 is supprisingly good. Both comfortably seat 4 passengers although storage is not amazing its good for the type of car.
The Civic is a different image and drive altogether and much more practical. Its good fun, comfortable but no RX8.
Neither cars are fast though compared to a subaru or similar beast. circa 14-15k will get you a good newish UK STI or a 04/05 WRX with prodrive pack. Which again is a quick car. You could also be looking at a BMW 330ci which would be my favourite out of this bunch.
Still on what your wanting, I would say the RX8 will be your best bet. Just be ready for some £££ runnig costs.
Now what is ingteresting is that since I posted this back in may....wow this really was a uber thread reserection...as peeps will remember, I bought a Honda Civic 1.8 VTI to have as a weekend car. I have to say that the Vtec is the most addicitve engine I have ever owned and I would definately have a Type R after all this (although I still won't if that makes sense).
Now it, like the RX8 really doesn't deliver much low down torque and makes driving harder work than with a diesel or turboed car. It is a totally different driving style that when you use the engines like they are meant to be delivers a superb and rewarding drive.
To the RX8 dude who got himself suspended as I am sure he is still reading this thread...I had a clio 172 (full fat version not cup) when I was test driving things like the RX8 and Type R and I prefered the performance of the clio and engine characterisitics over both of them. In fact neither felt quicker and in real world driving the speed limit approaced too fast in the RX8 and Type R to get the best out of the engines.
The only cars, which that when I got back into my clio 172 after driving, made my clio feel like a 1.2 were the imprezza WRX PPPs and STIs.
As for quoting book times and top speeds its all academic as unless you are racing each other on a track or down santa pod then the performance difference across a clio sport and RX8 is minimal.