Civilization V

Wow the graphics have a had a good improvement, the engine has to do so much though, worrying how it will run on the huge epic games over hundreds of turns... even civ 4 takes for ever between turns with some mods.

Having said that. OMG OMG OMG! Hexes are awesome.
Loving the sound of the new combat system, from the look of that screenshot above the archers are firing over a while hex to hit the enemy. Should be fun late game just shelling the enemy from range with modern artillery and cruise missiles.
AFAIK, none of the sequels were actually designed by sid, only the original.

He claims that he had some influence on II but it was mainly brian reynolds. IV was probably the sequel he had the most influence on personally.

I don't know why he doesn't have more input, the first game was by far the best and was all him pretty much.
Noooo, you can't do this to me, not with FFXIV and Tera slated for an autumn release as well. I need more of me :)

This is great news, I have played all the versions into the ground and I assume this will be similar.
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