Clarkson on Football

the thing thats most annoying is refering to City fans as the scum, despite the fact he doesn't really support Chelsea, its his first game, he supports no one. You can almost understand calling the "other" side scum when theres years of rivalry between teams and you've felt that support for just as long. But a random guy to come in and call them scum because they wear different colours is just obtuse. Add to the fact he brings up City's money as a reason to revel in their loss and calling them failures despite having spent nothing compared to Chelsea's bought success just makes me hate him all the more.

A complete moron whose rarely funny, always up his own arse and just a plain idiot in this situation. As he seems to be suggesting the very behaviour that he generalised as all fans having(violent working class moron's who want to fight) despite being the minority, he acts like he wants to kick someones teeth in after going to a single game and winning. Just a complete ******.
the thing thats most annoying is refering to City fans as the scum, despite the fact he doesn't really support Chelsea, its his first game, he supports no one. You can almost understand calling the "other" side scum when theres years of rivalry between teams and you've felt that support for just as long. But a random guy to come in and call them scum because they wear different colours is just obtuse. Add to the fact he brings up City's money as a reason to revel in their loss and calling them failures despite having spent nothing compared to Chelsea's bought success just makes me hate him all the more.

A complete moron whose rarely funny, always up his own arse and just a plain idiot in this situation. As he seems to be suggesting the very behaviour that he generalised as all fans having(violent working class moron's who want to fight) despite being the minority, he acts like he wants to kick someones teeth in after going to a single game and winning. Just a complete ******.

City fan, tbfh :D
Arsenal fan, but I would be aggrieved if a Man U fan watching his first game who swore blind everyone who watched football were working class thugs and morons turned around after man U went 1-0 and told me he wanted to punch me, it would just make that man a grade A pratt.
Arsenal fan, but I would be aggrieved if a Man U fan watching his first game who swore blind everyone who watched football were working class thugs and morons turned around after man U went 1-0 and told me he wanted to punch me, it would just make that man a grade A pratt.
He's being patronising about what fellow supporters call one another, it's what Clarkson does.
So there we are, then. I am now a football fan. I know this because in one afternoon I learnt I'm not a football fan at all. I'm a fan of Chelsea. Chelsea are the only team that can play. Chelsea players have by far the most impressive reproductive organs. Stamford Bridge is my church. The men who play there are my Gods.

Can't really argue with that can you :D
Over the years I have argued that football is a stupid game in which 22 overpaid nancy boys with idiotic hair run around a field attempting to kick an inflated sheep's pancreas into some netting while an audience of several thousand van drivers beat one another over the head with bottles and chairs.

im with jc on this one.

cant understand how much they get paid for a sport !
Over the years I have argued that football is a stupid game in which 22 overpaid nancy boys with idiotic hair run around a field attempting to kick an inflated sheep's pancreas into some netting while an audience of several thousand van drivers beat one another over the head with bottles and chairs.

im with jc on this one.

cant understand how much they get paid for a sport !

If you've seen the wages the Americans get for their sports, our footballers looks poor !
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