Cleaning Brake Discs


Why can't you just use the brakes? Using polish or any other kind of cleaning fluid on them isn't a good idea..
LOL - cleaning brake discs... :D

This has got to be the daftest thing I've read, since reading about that clown who'd painted each of his tyres with slippy tyre 'black' - including the faces.

It did make me smile though, just when I needed that.. which is nice :)
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Simon said:
Get some silver paint and spray them. Will look nice then

I remember sometime ago, some posted a link to another forum where some guy had actually done that :o

Edit, I also remember the story of some guy on an Evo forum asking if he needed special paint to paint on his intercooler, due to the heat :p
Tax Evader said:
LOL - cleaning brake discs... :D

This has got to be the daftest thing I've read, since reading about that clown who'd painted each of his tyres with slippy tyre 'black' - including the faces.

It did make me smile though, just when I needed that.. which is nice :)

LOL I remember that, wasn't it in the US and some guy in his lexus, or his dads lexus?
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Tax Evader said:
LOL - cleaning brake discs... :D

This has got to be the daftest thing I've read, since reading about that clown who'd painted each of his tyres with slippy tyre 'black' - including the faces.

It did make me smile though, just when I needed that.. which is nice :)

Is that the one with the MR2 that subsequently stuffed it into the back of a Type-R and a VW? On video no less.
Ev0 / Burned Alive - it could have been either, I'm not sure now - all I remember is the ridiculously stupid act of painting the tyres :D
thebrasso said:
:eek: That could hurt a bit (people call me brasso btw)

Seriously, braking should clear surface rust. Using chemicals on the surface of your disc is a bad idea...

MM2 "hi im thebrasso" lol. :D
thebrasso said:
:D In my defence a) hardly anybody calls me Andy and b) If I walked in there and said "Hi, I'm Andy" you would all look at me and think :confused: Who's this big yetti?

True, was still funny though. :D

Keep your eyes out for the mm3 thread. :)
Steameh said:
Why can't some people just answer the question?

If I hadn't of mention disc brakes and put "I wanna clean some rust of metal" would I have got the answer I wanted?

ah see if you'd have told us there was a specific answer you were wanting us to give then we could have got there a lot quicker, rather than us wandering aimlessly with our own opinions ;)



1) don't rub too hard with wire wool, if you score them you'll just make them less efficient. ideally the mating surfaces should do just that, mate perfectly. there's no point ruffing them up.

2) be carefull not to go breathing in brake dust
Steameh said:
Why can't some people just answer the question?

If I hadn't of mention disc brakes and put "I wanna clean some rust of metal" would I have got the answer I wanted?

I don't know, what was the answer you wanted? Seems a bit pointless asking a question if you know what answer you want?
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