Clear a blocked nose

Tomdun said:
Push your tounge up against the roof of your mouth, then rock the little bone at the top of your nose, between your eyebrows. This worked a treat for me many times, can go from no breathing, to almost normal in a few seconds.

no way Ive just tried that and it works :eek:

Other than that see if you can get soem ecucaliptus (sp?) oil, its liek vix but hardcore and works
I cheat - I take hayfever tablets - they are designed to dry the sinuses and they do. Only ever do it if I'm really bad and need to get to sleep - a kinda "last resort"
WantoN said:
Rocking the clavicle is your best bet. As said:

Apply pressure to the point directly between and slightly below your eyebrows, you should feel a tiny shifting. Then press your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth, just after releasing pressure to the point between your eyebrows. Alternate this and after about a minute, your nose should be clear :D

Ant :cool:

Dear God! we'll be getting "how do I pick my nose" threads next!

As for the quote above ........ rocking your collar bone probably won't clear your nose.
Extreme option: Wait until you need to sneeze, hold a tissue in front of your nose and make sure you keep your mouth shut. Forcfe all the rpessure of the sneeze through the nose. One of three things will happen:

A) You get a rather satisfying THUMP and a hand full of whatever was blocking your nose,

B) You burst several blood vessels and get an extremy nose bleed, or,

C) You propell your eyeballs across the room :D

This is what I usually do with a blocked nose. Its pretty painful, and with a nose the size of mine, i usually take out everything in front of me. Don't blame me if you do yourself some serious injury though :D:D
andy8271 said:
airwaves followed by xxx strong mints do the job.

if your hardcore replace mints with fishermansfriend :O

ps taking the mints or fishermanfriend after a pack of airwaves will most likely result in muchos strangeness

Post of the week. Also I havent seem fishermansfriends in years, where do I find them now?
Put some Vics Vaporub in a bowl of hot water (steaming hot), put your head over the bowl then a towel over your head to keep the fumes in.

Does it in no time.
Rubbish, absolute rubbish! No one has mentioned the absolute DADDY of all blocked nose removers....

Taste possibly like the most disgusting thing on the planet, but my god do they work. I reccomend ANYONE suffering gets these. Just... trust me on this.

I give you my word :)

Edit - Oh wait, someone mentioned olbas oil :o

Well these babies > all!
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