Clear up a couple (or so) RAID0 queries...

24 Jul 2003
Thinking about the possibility of a RAID0 array for a new build but just wanted to check a few facts...

A RAID array depends foremost on the driver to implement it - if that driver gets corrupted or an update breaks it in any way, the entire arrary could be compromised?

That RAID driver is required to be loaded every time Windows starts - if for some reason it was disabled from the startup, would you be stuffed?

Magic Man said:
A RAID array depends foremost on the driver to implement it - if that driver gets corrupted or an update breaks it in any way, the entire arrary could be compromised?
No, the array is created and maintained by the RAID controller hardware, the driver software is simply a mechanism to allow Windows to interact with the hardware. If the driver fails to operate correctly the array should remain intact

Magic Man said:
That RAID driver is required to be loaded every time Windows starts - if for some reason it was disabled from the startup, would you be stuffed?
Yes, if you're booting from the array the driver needs to be present otherwise the boot process will fail because the system is unable to access the array.
I'm of the opinion that you'd get better performance booting from RAID0 and kepping all you apps and games on the array as well.
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