Climate Prediction - fruits of our labour...

wow very newsworthy - what they forget to mention is that the 2degrees rise is solely from all the extra computing power being used by 24/7 running and extreme disk access :p

seriously though it's great to get noticed - i haven't tried CPDN yet - will have to give it some time i think :)
I sense a pimping thread coming on - for GD and the OC forums :D

we need to raise the team position in CPDN - the arms race at the top is helping, but there are not many players in the game - and were 14th or 15th overall depending on total or RAC
Made the 10 O'Clock News on BBC1 (well, about 10 seconds of a general story on climate change, which mentioned Oxford university, but not
Its good to see a DC project getting some news coverage.

I agree that we should have a conserted effort on a general DC pimping thread in GD as our stickies are in good shape at present.

I do think we should perhaps wait untill the version number of boinc stays the same for at least 24 hours and is proven to be stable :D as otherwise we risk confusing/alienating newcomers.
(not to mention having to answer the same questions over and over again).

perhaps we could construct the text of the pimp thread in here first so that it is ready to go when appropriate ?

Just caught a really good interview on this on Radio 4.

Missed which of the guys behind it it was, but he was holding his own vs a somewhat cynical presenter, and was giving credit to all you climate crunchers.

Well done everybody!

Alan Woodford
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Originally posted by Mad old tory
Even better, the GD thread gained us a new user :D

both threads may need the occasional defence or bump over the next few days - I'm not here over the weekend.
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