Closed Back Headphones

7 Jan 2004
North London
Hiya guys,

I have a pair of HD598SE's at the moment connected to my Soundblaster Z sound card with a modmic and am very happy with this setup. Problem is i moved in with the girlfriend earlier this year and now it's winter she likes to watch loads of TV to be in the same room as me while i play.

Now i don't have an issue with this but i can hear the TV above everything i'm playing and trying to play Pub G or CoD Blackout or anything where i need to listen to footsteps i can not concentrate at all.

Is there any good closed back ones that will sound similar to my 598's? I just need something i can use when she's in the room and when i'm alone i'll switch back to my open cans.

I don't want to be buying amps or any new hardware just a pair of closed cans that sound good and still allow me to hear enemies and know where they are from footsteps and shots etc.
I'll have a look at them, I take it the 250ohm version needs a lot more power to drive them and aren't the same.
So would it be better getting the DT770 Pro or the DT990 Pro? Is there much of a difference between the two? Will they both be similar or one better than the other for gaming?

Also my card should be able to run both the high ohm versions like you mentioned? So i shouldn't be looking at the 80ohm versions but the 240/250?
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the DT990 pro are the open backed version of the DT770 pro

The 250 ohm versions come with a coiled (curly) cable and the bass is less in quantity but tighter

Right thanks for that, makes a big difference.

Would the 80 or 250 be better for gaming? I take it with the less bass but it being tighter they should be better?
I wouldn't normally consider a pair of closed cans but i'm very sensitive to noise when gaming and it's so easy to distract me. It's the only reason i'm considering a pair, otherwise super happy with my current setup.

Why not the 598 CS? They're the closed back version of the headphones you have :)

I've heard the closed backs lack compared to the opens with Sennheiser.

Having owned both, I agree. I much preferred the K550's for both music and gaming.

I'll check them out too.
I just got the HD 6xx, and they don't sound any more open than my MMX 300. Maybe if I train my "ears", but when I owned the 598 CS, they were excellent. Sounded as open as any decent closed backed headphones.

Will have to read up on them all and possibly try and try them out.

One thing to bear in mind if you are considering the K550's, is that they are not a good choice if you wear glasses. They need a good seal to sound good and wearing glasses breaks that seal; otherwise, a good alternative to the Beyer's.

Don't wear glasses so i'm good.

So going to have to read up and possibly check out the DT770's. 598CS and the K550's then.
Would definitely give them a shot, though at £200 on Amazon, they're a little pricey at the moment

Yeah that price is not very good.

Weren't the 598CS much cheaper at some point? unless I'm thinking of the 598SE.

£200 is too much for a closed 598. DT770 are half that.

I got my 598SE's for around £130.

Another to add to the list is the Sony MDR-1A, ridiculously comfortable, strong bass, detailed highs and currently £117 on Amazon - they do only have a short 4ft ish cable though, so if you need to plug in down behind your computer you'd need a short extension (I use a 6ft extension permanently plugged in).

Will have a look at that too.

Just need to find something that sounds good while being able to listen for footsteps.
Right i tried out though Sony MDR-1A they were comfy, to much bass though couldn't find footsteps no where near as easy as my 598SE's. Plus with the leather cups, didn't like them due to sweat.

Didn't like the feel of the AKG's mentioned.

Sennheiser 598CS - Closed ones have gone down a lot in price but reviews don't seem so great.

It's a tossup between 770pro 80ohms and 250ohms. I'm just trying to figure out which will be better for games. I'd have thought the 250's if the bass is less but tighter?
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Yeah i know it sucks, need something though as the girlfriend is so loud and unfortunately not in the position to have my pc setup elsewhere or her to be anywhere else.

It's one of the main reasons i still haven't made my mind up that and being pretty ill recently.

I'll stick use my opens when possible, just currently with the missus being on a career break it's impossible to game without her there.
Really happy with my choice, decided on the 80OHM as i didn't want a coiled wire.

Footsteps aren't as clear as my 598SE's but they are pretty damn good and will probably be even better once broken in a bit and even more so when fully.
yeah, the increase in bass was always going to slightly mask footsteps but at least explosions will have plenty of rumble.
I have the big brother of the DT 990, the DT 1990 and the Tesla drivers in those somehow manage to produce insane amounts of detail and imaging even though the bass has tons of grunt, well worth the money. :)

Yeah it masks them but not as badly as i was expecting it. Really loving how comfy these sound and how good they are and went with the full black ones and they look awesome.
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