clutch snapped and stranded, no option?

27 Nov 2004
North Beds
Hey guys,

my friend, who is another member here, has just called me to say that he has been stranded in a travel lodge because of what he thinks is his clutch cable snapping. He (stupidly imo) doesn't have aa/rac membership so is stranded 300 miles from home in norwich, and the AA have quoted like over £150 to fix it. Anyone got any ideas? I think the best thing to do would be just to get the aa to do it, but maybe one of you bright sparks might have an idea :)


Would the AA be actually fixing the problem or just getting her home? I'd just ask them to come and sort it and pay up.

Hopefully she'll realise that breakdown cover is pretty vital.
thebrasso said:
Would the AA be actually fixing the problem or just getting her home? I'd just ask them to come and sort it and pay up.

Hopefully she'll realise that breakdown cover is pretty vital.

even worse, it's a he :( and he's only had the car 2 weeks :(

What's the time period for the break down assistance to take effect?. If it's 24 hours it might be cheaper to take out breakdown recovery cover and spend a night in the travel lodge?.
Same thing happened to me not too long ago (apart from it being the headgasket - no rover jokes pls ;) ) and i got a friend who had RAC cover to get on a train down to me. She got in the car, called the RAC and they picked us up and took it home. I have cover now of course, but you could be a good mate and pop on a train :p .
Sorry, instantly thought it'd be a female. Usually its women who waste money on rubbish but when it comes to cars they want to spend the minimum.

Hope it gets sorted.
benneh said:
What's the time period for the break down assistance to take effect?. If it's 24 hours it might be cheaper to take out breakdown recovery cover and spend a night in the travel lodge?.
Same thing happened to me not too long ago (apart from it being the headgasket - no rover jokes pls ;) ) and i got a friend who had RAC cover to get on a train down to me. She got in the car, called the RAC and they picked us up and took it home. I have cover now of course, but you could be a good mate and pop on a train :p .

i COULD give him my rac number etc but if they asked for the card he'd be screwed and so would i.....but ive never been asked for it before :s

i would drive down but it's 4 hours away, which is.....a bit far.

Any norwich members willing to help out an ocuk member? :p

that's the said member/car

"ferraris are red, clios are blue, lambos are orange and rovers are poo"

Id not seen that before, I now have a taste and smell of bacon and egg in my sinuses as I laughed and choked on my wrap and backwashed said bacon and egg!

That ditty gets 5 * from me though!
You can drive it with a snapped clutch cable.

1) With the engine off put it in first or second. Turn the key and press the accelerator gently and the car will lurch off into motion

2) When you need to change gear, let of the throttle, push the lever towards where you want to go and gently rev the engine whilst applying pressure to the gear lever and it should eventually clunk into gear. Changing DOWN is harder so leaving it in 3rd (pretty flexible in most cars) might be wise. As this is a long journey then he can probably get away with cruising into 5th and just sitting on the motorway for as long as possible. It's only the town driving that requires any real effort.

3) When/if you need to come to a complete stop, just brake until it stalls. When you have to start moving again, repeat process one.

Done it loads of times, don't let a snapped clutch cable strand you!
Just drive it back.
Stick it in second and start it with the key until it splutters to life. Then with accurate timing of the throttle you can change gear by letting off and blipping at the right time. Drive accordingly giving yourself plenty of room.
Try to avoid stopping at all by approaching lights and roundabouts slowly and try to go with the flow.
If you know you have to stop then just blip throttle and knock it into neutral and switch off the engine. Then repeat the key jump start in second and continue.

Yes i have done this myself.

SNAP Lopez ;)
I know and at exactly the same time. Freaky but the truths the truth mate. :cool:
i think 150 is the standard fee for AA to come and move the car, not to actually fix it.

could drive it home clutchless, but 300miles is a long old way to go!

goto get the car home somehow. no alternatives really.
I would see the 300 mile drive without clutch as more of a challenge and would give it a go.

If he planned his route well enough he wouldnt need to come out of 5th for most of the journey anyway.
just drive without the clutch

best thing my dad ever taught me to do

when stationary stick it in 1st and start it to get going then when you want to change into second wait until the car is doin about 4.5k revs and foot off the throttle slide it into neutral then it should just ease into second (revs may vary depending on car terms and conditions apply) and repeat to get into higher gears etc. changing down is even EASIER when in 4th for example slide it into neutral rev the engine so its at about 3.5 to 4k and apply pressure to the 3rd slot and it will slide in.

ill go and video me doing it. its dead easy
His best choice this morning was to get a cab to the nearest rover dealer and buy a new clutch cable. According to my rave cd its only clipped on and should be easy to get to without jacking the car.

However rover parts desks close at 1pm on a saturday, so it looks like a nice 300 mile clutchless drive.
when driving without the clutch you need to follow some simple rules.
you can pull it into neutral quite easily.
to change up, pull it into neutral, blip throttle, then push lever towards the gear while the revs are dropping, as you reach the correct revs for that gear the lever will slide into place.
to change down, pull into neutral, then push lever towards the gear and gradually increase revs till you reach correct revs for the gear, the lever will slide into place.

don't try and change into first if you are stationary. you will have to turn engine off and restart it in gear.
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