CM 690 II Adv. Custom Orange

I've been busy ;)

Looking very nice so far.

Getting a decent Orange with Orange LEDs fan is tricky.

This is the fan effect you are looking for ...

or this if you are feeling extremely adventurous and a little mental.

Yeah there called tealc went mental with some LEDs. Unfortunately you can not buy them but there is a thread on here showing how to do it I'm sure some one will link it.
I never tire of looking at the pictures of those fans Tealc.

As one fan of all things oragne to another. Mod on!
If you want to see the tutorial for the simpler 16 LED fan mod just click my sig. For te other just see Project Madness which was updated a couple of weeks ago.

I also did a tutorial on how to swap the LEDs on a fan from one colour to another. This is useful if you want to get a decent LED fan that's not available with orange LEDs and just swap them for orange LEDs.

I find the semi transparent fans work best with light, but not totally transparent as you don't get the same effect. The video above was on a semi-transparent fan.
yeh cheers...... i got a present from mr Postman for my tower, 2 cougar vortex(sure i ordered 4), 2 akasa orange LED case fans, 16gb Vengence(blue to go with mobo) and a £40 voucher off wine..........Who the **** wants a £40 voucher off a 12 case of wine when you buy a case worth over £90 lol, didnt they see i was buyin pc parts and not Tampons??? I WANT BEER!!!!! :)

theres your proof hahaha, on a lil random project 'Junk' i made yesterday.
OO get some nice vinyl or something to cover the damaged/marked edges of the speakers....or just paint lol. Could look good with some TLC.

O and Nahhhh you love me for bringing you's a slippery slope from here though, MWA HAHAHA!
(on Junk pc)yeh possibly....once i get the extension cables and mount the PSU i will prob mesh out the back with a 120mm fan or 2 to draw air through and out back of pc..

(on Orange Pc) i have purchased a few tools to handcraft a lil design on the side panel of pc as i know i can buy a new one if i mess it up lol, maybe some colours, maybe just panel it, idk yet....ill see how the cutting goes lol, if you see me with a new side panel then u know it went wrong xD
i tidied the cables up and for the 4pin, 24pin and probably the 6/8pin cables i plan on purchasing Black extension cables, atm i have blue and red sata cables but i will either sleeve em or buy pre sleeved ones....too many choices :P ..... i put an orange LED 80mm fan on the right hand side panel for some orange glow from behind the motherboard...its small so it may not have a great amount but lets hope its enough.

i lined up what i got atm..


Some cable ties and some orange twist wire. all i need now are my extensions.


just to show the cables are neat and the side panel fits perfectly.


the fan on the left will move to the top of the case above the H100 if it fits, if not ill find somewhere for it :P


the cables may look a lil messy but i have the molex's at an access point for reach.
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all i need now is to buy a window and some u channel/ rubber window channel stuff.. was thinking of orange tinted acrylic but because of the fan mount/grill on the side panel i have had to cut it quite close to the edge of the rear of the case frame so im lookin at somethin as thin as 1-2mm .
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