CM Stacker PSU Top Mounting

7 Sep 2005
I have had my stacker for about 3 months now, and i dont like the PSU at the bottom there is no way to hide the wires. Complete mess. In other cases i have had i dont think you could see a single wire after routing them. But cant seem to do anything with the wires going up to the drives etc.

What i would like to do it mount the PSU at the top, without to much work. How do you think the best way to do this would be?

Just put it in and screw it in?! :)


Later revision stackers (namely the RC-810) didn't have two PSU mounting areas, you could only mount one PSU and only in the bottom of the case.


The earlier STC-T01 has the dual PSU layout.

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Is it possible to get a photograph of the back of the old version? I recon the easiest way of modding it would be to get a removable PSU backplate like some LianLis use, cut a hole on the back of the case, and rivet/bolt the PSU plate to the back.
If you've got the older Stacker no problem at all.
So which one do you have? Why does it have to be REALLY neat on the cabling. Who cares?

messiah khan said:
Is it possible to get a photograph of the back of the old version? I recon the easiest way of modding it would be to get a removable PSU backplate like some LianLis use, cut a hole on the back of the case, and rivet/bolt the PSU plate to the back.

Johnskey's first picture is the back of a T01.
Yeh i have the 810 the one with the psu mounting at the bottom.

It matters about the cabling as i was going to try a little mod with it. Wouldnt look right with the cables coming from the bottom.

If you look at squiffys pic, i thinik i could mount it where the highest 120mm fan is. But it isnt just a case of making holes for the screws as it would just be hanging.
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