CM Storm Scout or Lian Li 60FW

Must be awfully weak building standards when you're most worried about building vibrating along PC... ;)
But that's very easy to prevent by putting anything soft between case and its platform.

Huge majority of vibration induced noises comes from panels of case already because of being closer to vibration sources (fans&HDDs) and because those are lot lighter and thinner (or at least should be) than materials of building. Reducing/eliminating these vibrations is done by mass loading panels: By attaching something dense with mass to them which lowers resonant frequency of panel and greatly lowers amplitude of remaining vibration.
Bitumen mat used for car acoustics and other such generic bitumen mats/tapes used for various purposes all work well against vibrations. In SilentPCreview forums some have used also some high density vinyl mats/plates.

From products specifically sold for PCs Nexus Damptek uses high density rubber based mass damping layer and BeQuiet Noise Absorber bitumen based layer.
There are also some others but often they're just light (as air) foams which alone are waste of money and time, like that Akasa:

From materials used in cases those acrylic windows are actually acoustically lot better than metal sheets because of being relatively thick and material has rather good vibration damping properties. While metals are very dense their rigid atomic structure conducts vibration well so even though steel panel has lot of weight "composite" of lighter/less denser materials (like aluminium and bitumen layer) can be less resonant.
i see..

thanks for the info EsaT

il need to read up on that =/

thing is..wheres that foam/mat gonna be placed? inside or outside?

also if it was inside/outside, then woudnt this cause more heat in the case?
thing is..wheres that foam/mat gonna be placed? inside or outside?
Foam is only "last touch" after mass damping, or as second layer in combination mats with heavy base layer like BeQuiet and Nexus.
Adding lining to outside might be "slightly" ugly looking... or what do you think?
(and would't lower "echoing" of sound inside the case)

Case isn't any heatsink and heat transfer medium is air going through the case so any significant temperature increase is sign of bad airflow design.
Not sure about the Lian Li PC-60FW, but i have a Cm storm scout and its pretty good.

The airflow is good and the stock fans are really quiet (pity my 9800gt isn't...) although the fan led's are a bit dissapointing and dont light up the innards as the picture shows, still nice though.

Can get a bit cramped inside bit overall works very well. Only thing i would change is remove the handle and raise the roof to get some extra space inside.
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