CNC3: Brutal computers

12 Jan 2006
Been trying to beat a brutal comp 1 on 1 on cnc3, but i cant seem to do it :s
Maybe i just suck but the comp always seems to have more units so eventually i am overwhelmed and lose,
Maybe i am going a bit OTT but i also noticed the comp seems to build a direct counter to ay units make

Any tips/suggestions as i really have tried repeatedly and got nowhere, i managed to win once by luck but building defence towers inside the comps base right at the start, killing and troops it built but that only seemed to work once
i also find impossible - but the a.i. cheats on brutal - it gets tiberium at double the rate you do so its very hard to beat that as he can churn out units far faster than you ever could.

i can beat brutal if i give him a 30% penalty though (depending on the map)
When I play with my mates we play three teams us 3 vs 2 brutal & 1 hard
This makes for a good game because the hard AI player takes some of the flack allowing us time to get our stuff sorted.
defend like **** and get your nuke.

or at the start bilud a crain and then start buildin a barracks and at the same time send your constroction yard to his base when it gets there deploy it and deploy
the barracks and build loads of engineers (works vs pros online may work vs comp
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