CNN technical directors boasts about network pushing political propaganda

26 Dec 2003

A CNN senior employee was caught on camera by a Project Veritas undercover journalist bragging about how their sole focus over the last few years was to get Trump out of office and now that it's done their focus is going to to push climate change fear.

People were losing their minds when accusations of Russia influencing the 2016 election were being pushed by CNN etc but what about when senior CNN employees admit on video to influencing elections? is it acceptable that multinational news corporations be allowed to act as political activists?

edit: can you change the title to director, singular.
So one set of privately-owned media is free to drive their agenda, but other else is not?
I guess you expect them to stick false balance like the BBC who go out of their way to find the 0.01% of scientists who don't agree with climate science and could - hypothetically at least - find a balancing viewpoint from the Flat Earth Society whenever anyone shows photos of earth from space?
Every news corporation influences elections, some more than others depending on viewer/readership.

FOX News didn't fold on Trump until he started putting out mental tweets once he knew he'd lost.
Project Veritas, and a dedicated thread? Hilarious! I will just leave a previous objective post of yours concerning Veritas (RE someone sending fake bombs to Obama, Clinton etc).....

It doesn't really make sense though because his actions can only help the Democrats. Why send a bunch of fake bombs so close to the midterms if he's a Trump fan? unless he's just totally stupid it's probably more realistic that the Democrats bunged him some money to do it. Project Veritas already exposed how they paid undercover provocateurs to cause violence at Trump rallies prior to the 2016 elections so they aren't averse to that sort of thing.
One day you will break your brainwashing and be free.
Lol it will be a very cold day in hell fir that to happen.
Now that @mmj_uk has made this thread, let’s see if he further participated in it. Usually he’s a hit and run poster....and he’s quite prolific about it too.
Ah Project Vertias, the same one that's barely avoided federal charges for attempting to bug a federal office, had to pay out repeatedly for libel, claimed they'd got a charity for trying to assist illegals get documents when the person they spoke to had immediately informed the authorities about the people that'd been in their offices and they'd had to go along with as they'd felt unsafe?

The barrel is being scraped once again.
Saying 'CNN Exposed' is a joke. Anyone who takes the time to watch any of CNN's programming can easily tell there's an obvious bias I don't even know why they pretend otherwise. I would be much more interested in them catching out BBC journalists and bosses.
CNN is an American company and a person under US law, Russia is neither.

With that out of the way, I really don't think bias is as much of a bogeyman as some folk think as it's entirely natural to be biased. The real issue is manipulative journalism to the point that there's no decorum or professionalism in articles or interviews.

Won't really bother beyond those two points.
Every news corporation influences elections, some more than others depending on viewer/readership.

FOX News didn't fold on Trump until he started putting out mental tweets once he knew he'd lost.

no, Fox news folded on trump when they got named in a multi billion dollar law suit for allowing the repeated lies and defamation of SmartMatic. Untill then they were still happy to pump his bare faced lies out for weeks after the election result. What made them stop and think is when they got hammered with papers for a 2.7billion defamtion case, then they started to **** themselves and rowed back saying that none of it was actually news and that they are an "entertainment" channel.
Oh look, it's the same boring old turds that love to defend "their side" so much, they have to always question the "credibility" of the people with the hidden camera, yet don't mention a single outrageous statement that they capture. They are so completely and utterly blinded by their own bias, they can't bare it if their side gets shown in a dark light. Yet the hilarious irony is that this is what they claim people on the right or Trump supporters do all the time

If they caught some FOX director saying this, then it's just an edited video by some untrustworthy person and nothing that they say on camera matters right


Part 2 is worse

"Let's make it higher" he says, wondering why they can't just pump the COVID death toll up for better ratings

"Fear really drives the numbers"

"COVID, the gangbusters or ratings. That's why we have the death toll on the side"

"Why aren't you guys covering the recovery rates"... "Because that's not scary"

"If it bleeds it leads"
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no, Fox news folded on trump when they got named in a multi billion dollar law suit for allowing the repeated lies and defamation of SmartMatic. Untill then they were still happy to pump his bare faced lies out for weeks after the election result. What made them stop and think is when they got hammered with papers for a 2.7billion defamtion case, then they started to **** themselves and rowed back saying that none of it was actually news and that they are an "entertainment" channel.

They were done with him way before that. I watched it unfold at the time and the change was palpable.
"Fear really drives the numbers"

It's a slow news day when there's no bad news to print and you had to learn it some time.

Also if you get around the forum a bit you might have seen the Guardian getting slagged off for it's excessive angle on certain topics. You need to be state funded to get away with straight reporting all year round. Everyone else that's forced to earn money with their reporting and writing needs to slant it to appeal to a group or a trend to capture the most attention and therefore advertising revenue.

Even when slanting stories there's standards to stick to or you end up like Fox News legally hiding under the "entertainment" label to pass off it's special brew to it's discerning consumers.
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