Cockney note denominations...

£1 nicker
£5 lady godiva
£10 I have heard called a dead brazillian but don't thinks thats common
£20 a score
£25 pony
£50 bullseye
£100 ton
£500 monkey
£1000 bag ( of sand )
£2000 Archer ( or Jeffrey )
£1 million is a Bernie
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Ten (£10) Speckled Hen "Lend us a Speckled son."


Ten (pounds) Nigel Benn "Lend us a Nigel."


Tenner Jim Fenner "Where's that Jim you owe me?"


Tenner (10 pound note) Louise Wener


Tenner (10 pound note) Paul Mckenna


Tenner (10 pound note) Ayrton Senna


All according to Cockney - English Translator
Rotty said:
£1 nicker
£5 lady godiva
£10 I have heard called a dead brazillian but don't thinks thats common
£20 a score
£25 pony
£50 bullseye
£100 ton
£500 monkey
£1000 bag ( of sand )
£2000 Archer ( or Jeffrey )
£1 million is a Bernie

You are really verifying the fact that me and Mohinder think you are a gangster :(

Dont give us concrete shoes please :(
Rotty said:
where did that theory come from ? :eek: :p

The watches, the car. The fact you are hard enough to wear union jack shorts on holiday.....Please dont make us swim with the fishies :(
Others I've heard;

£5 = Jack (of Ives)
£10 = **** (& hen)
£20 = Apple (core - score)
£100 = Long 'un
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